Diplomatic_Means's trivia

nice job futureranger. Yall are on a roll.

How many oarsmen were carried aboard triremes - the fast moving warships that helped the greeks rule the mediteranean during the fifth century BC?
For some reason i don't know why I give 5 milbucks to the person with a milbuck mint in his back pocket :wink:

How many pounds of feed were consumed daily by the 5000 horses that pulled the artillery for Napoleans Army of the North in 1815?
diplomatic_means said:
For some reason i don't know why I give 5 milbucks to the person with a milbuck mint in his back pocket :wink:

How many pounds of feed were consumed daily by the 5000 horses that pulled the artillery for Napoleans Army of the North in 1815?

Don't need those MilBucks, I'm only doing this for honor and glory... 8)
How many inmates were liberated from the Bastille after it was stormed by an angry mob on July 14, 1789, at the start of the French revolution?
Ice skates!

The Spaniards tried it first, then the Dutch got the idea. Being much better skaters than the Spanish, the Dutch won.
I believe it was initially $2Billion in the precurser days to the manhatten project. It was prompted initially by a letter from Einstein to Roosevelt informing him of Germany's advances in atomic research (aug '39). Later in Oct of '39 Roosevelt approved uranium research. This later led to Fermi's building of the Chicago Pile 1 producing a self sustaining reaction in a crudely built nuclear reactor.