When China is King - what do you think?

If China is Most Powerful Nation on Earth, how do you feel??

  • Yes!!! At last!!!

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  • That's Cool I guess.

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  • Who Cares?

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  • Its not gonna change much

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  • Its a little Scary

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  • Terrified

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The future is a nebulous thing. Very hard to predict and very fickle. Still, unless something drastic happens, China will probably become the most powerful nation in the world in the somewhat distant future.

What does this change in the world? Is it better or worse off? How will it change things in Asia? The rest of the world? How broad an effect will it have on the world? Will China be benevolent or tyranical and what would be the results?
NEW WORLD ORDER for nations to comply to..

China girls will be the most sought after treasure. If you marry one, it's like you've found a treasure in King Solomon's Mines.

Everyone will start using chopsticks.. it's the fashion.
No more burgers.. people start to eat noodles and rice.

RMB will be the ruling currency.

the_13th_redneck said:
I'll strap a bomb to myself and blow up in a Chinese market.

SO HARSH! lol.

But me, well, I would not look forward to the age of rice. Not sure I could trust China.....

But perhaps with great economic and military prosperity will come great enlightment and tranquility in China? Who knows!?
Even though i like China, i would start and underground civilization in the sewers and have a revolution with sticks and stones. :rambo:
Man, it's okay if you start your preparation now. Things aren't that bad if you're prepared.

already most of your clothes that you wear are Made in China.. also the kitchen utensils etc. It's okay, isn't it? Take a look at ToysRUs, almost every toy is Made in China. And your optical mouse and computers.

The American businessmen are first to discover the sweetness in China and they are enjoying themselves in the pubs and hotels in China. Interview them about their lives in China and you can see all that radiant boyish wide smiles.

Get a Chinese wife now and you're safe and happy when China rules the world later! 8)
SAINT said:
NEW WORLD ORDER for nations to comply to..

There is no greater evil than this new communism, as it is the devil’s religion. I will not bow down before the U.N. or any “New World Order.”
Good thing, and it will happen soon or later.

World is going to be better every year, isn't it? Therefore no doubt when Chinese are dominating the world, the world would be a better place than at least now.

Saint, I bet you are also from Chinese decent , and outside Singapore you are simply called Chinese in America or Europe, so keepyour ridiculous comments for yourself.
SAINT said:
Luckily, Singapore is an independent country..;)

Else we too have to obey China (at least not now).

lol, we don't mind Sigapore at all, anyway Singapore is a Chinese society :twisted:
FlyingFrog said:
SAINT said:
Luckily, Singapore is an independent country..;)

Else we too have to obey China (at least not now).

lol, we don't mind Singapore at all, anyway Singapore is a Chinese society :twisted:

There you are wrong. Singapore is not a Chinese society -- it's a multi-racial society.

We have Chinese, Malays, Indians, Thais, Sri Lankans, Europeans, Eurasians, Jews, Filipinos, Indonesians in our society. And these varied races are Singaporean citizens and we live harmoniously. Even Singapore's president is Indian by race.
SAINT said:
FlyingFrog said:
SAINT said:
Luckily, Singapore is an independent country..;)

Else we too have to obey China (at least not now).

lol, we don't mind Singapore at all, anyway Singapore is a Chinese society :twisted:

There you are wrong. Singapore is not a Chinese society -- it's a multi-racial society.

We have Chinese, Malays, Indians, Thais, Sri Lankans, Europeans, Eurasians, Jews, Filipinos, Indonesians in our society. And these varied races are Singaporean citizens and we live harmoniously. Even Singapore's president is Indian by race.

Every one knows that "President" of Sinapore is just a "Symbol", nobody know this name in this world, only the PM Lee Kuanyao and his son :lol:

Everybody knows 85% of Singaporeans are of Chinese decents and speaks Chinese :twisted:
Since there are enough Singaporean citizens by race being Chinese,
I was thinking that if China becomes king,
then Singapore should be its new capital... ;)
SAINT said:
I was thinking that if China becomes king,
then Singapore should be its new capital... ;)

Fantacy is no crime.

Remember what Taiwan FM calls your tiny Singapore as the snot nation? And Taiwanese PM hates you kissing Chinese LuanPa too much?

Rude Taiwanese hugh? :twisted:
Though we can postulate China being king in the future

Yet it is certainly not possible to happen.

1. China has limited natural resources. It has to purchase food from the US.

2. China is not very large in size geographically. That is why Japan could conquer most parts of China even 60 years ago in WW2.

3. China has too many social problems to deal with due to its large population.

SAINT said:
Though we can postulate China being king in the future

Yet it is certainly not possible to happen.

1. China has limited natural resources. It has to purchase food from the US.

2. China is not very large in size geographically. That is why Japan could conquer most parts of China even 60 years ago in WW2.

3. China has too many social problems to deal with due to its large population.


this is true espessaly the 3rd point, one disiase is killing 1000 people , one flowed is killing thousand people and people just leave on each others head. Its easy to say that China is superpower when you are in Shangai or Bejing but if you go and watch the other less lucky town where normal people live..
If that tries to happen.....I would stick a a Nuke on me and go to the most populated part of China...The rest you can imagine....

And one day I would be cheered as a hero of the free world.

And the thing is.....I'm not kidding, and not the only one in the world thinking like that... :)
I won't let low quality rule the world. ;)

One man CAN make a difference.... :D
No one would stand the terror of what will China do. After all....When communism was good? The whole world will be in danger.
The 4th Reich is comming...Olympics in China=Olympics in Germany 1936
My opinion.... ;)
BattleCry of Freedom.....
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