Israel is at war

It is important to look at the bigger picture and not just focus on the Israel and Hamas conflict. Rather than fighting with proxies, it is essential to deal with the proxy masters - Iran, Russia, and China. This is part of the New Great Game that has been played in Central Asia since the end of the Cold War, which has now turned into a neo-Cold War. The conflict between Israel and Hamas is just a symptom, not the disease itself. Therefore, it is important to get to the root of the problem to find a cure.

We are currently living in a new era of information warfare where information technology is being used by superpowers to control or manipulate foreign and domestic populations. This is techno-authoritarianism or digital dictatorship, which stems from "Global Convergence". As the superpowers try to impose their will on others and attempt to Americanize the entire world, we will continue to see the emergence of new conflicts.

It was Marshall McLuhan (1962), a media theorist, who famously predicted that advancements in communication technology would bring the world closer together by “shrinking space” (p. 6) — making it feel like a small village where everyone is interconnected. He referred to this concept as the "Global Village." (p. 147). Mike Gasher et al. (2020) explain:

Firstly, McLuhan’s observations on the impact of electronic media shed light on the profound changes brought about by media convergence. He described how electronic media, such as radio and television, had the potential to create a "global village," where communication between any two points on the globe became instant. This concept emphasizes the shrinking of space through time in the digital age (Mike Gasher et al., 2020, p. 8). His insights help us understand that media convergence has the potential to connect individuals across the world. When harnessed effectively, it can be a positive force for creating a more interconnected and informed global society where the boundaries of space and time are blurred.

Secondly, McLuhan's prophecy has come to fruition through the emergence of media convergence. This refers to integrating traditional and digital media platforms, creating a more interconnected and seamless media landscape. The idea that communication methods can shape a society and its culture was first introduced by Canadian scholars Harold Innis and Marshal McLuhan, who emphasized the importance of the communication form over its contents (Mike Gasher et al., 2020, p. 144). Media convergence has enabled individuals from all corners of the world to interact in real time, bringing about a global community that is more closely connected than ever before.

Thirdly, McLuhan's "Global Village" concept offers a valuable framework for comprehending the impact of media convergence on our lives. This convergence has ushered us into a global community facilitating the free exchange of information and communication. This transformative process has resulted in greater interconnectivity among individuals, enabling the unrestrained sharing and consumption of data from various sources. The consequence has been cultivating a more diverse and globally oriented perspective. Most significantly, the emergence of novel media convergence technologies has given rise to hybrid platforms, revolutionizing how we interact with our fellow humans and the wider world (Hirst M. et al., 2014, pp. 144-154).

In conclusion, McLuhan's notion of the "Global Village" established the foundation for comprehending the influence of media convergence in our lives. McLuhan's concept of a “Global Village” has now evolved into a “Global Convergence,” which includes media, communication, social, economic, and cultural convergence. In this context, new media convergence has enabled us to witness how advancements in communication technology bring the world closer together, resulting in a more interconnected and global community. The "Global Village" idea undoubtedly acts as a lens that helps us understand the transformative impact of media convergence on our society as “Global Convergence.”

All things considered, humanity must learn to coexist in the "global village" with tolerance and moderation.

While I agree with a lot of that I am not sure I agree that we have to learn to coexist in a "global village" in fact my thinking in the last few years has developed away from that view.
I don't think we can coexist in one global village, what do we really have in common with the Russian, Chinese or Iranian view on life so rather than try and shoe horn everyone into a one size fits all group where two incompatible lifestyles (Authoritarian and Democratic) meddle in each other's affairs perhaps it is time to form "global villages" based on compatibility of values with only limited and controlled links between them.
Anyone know the threshold where wrongs become rights, I think it was more than two?
You certainly like the hasbara talking points as the entire post is about 7 lines of whataboutisms where the point is entirely overlooked., no one has argued that what Hamas has done was right as there is no justification for it and using the same standards there is no justification for Israel repeating the act.

The argument remains that they are equally as bad.
Every day in the US, in Europe, over the whole world Muslims and supporters of the Islam are claiming that what Hamas did,was right and what Israel is doing is wrong .
The PM of Canada openly supports Hamas , so does also the French president .
In London Muslims claimed that Hitler knew how to handle the Jews.
The Mayor of London and the PM of Scotland (both Muslims ) condemn the Israeli answer on the Hamas attack,
Every day in the US, in Europe, over the whole world Muslims and supporters of the Islam are claiming that what Hamas did,was right and what Israel is doing is wrong .
The PM of Canada openly supports Hamas , so does also the French president .
In London Muslims claimed that Hitler knew how to handle the Jews.
The Mayor of London and the PM of Scotland (both Muslims ) condemn the Israeli answer on the Hamas attack,
Congratulations you have managed to condense the entirety of the worlds 1.9 billion Muslims into a 5 line post one of which was dedicated to a Frenchman and Canadian, I think if nothing else you have won the forum "Epic Generalisation" award for the year maybe even the decade.

Just out of interest did you ring each Muslim to get their view or was it a really big Zoom call?
Every day in the US, in Europe, over the whole world Muslims and supporters of the Islam are claiming that what Hamas did,was right and what Israel is doing is wrong .
The PM of Canada openly supports Hamas , so does also the French president .

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the recent attacks against Israel:

“Early yesterday, on a Jewish holiday and 50 years after the start of the Yom Kippur War, the terrorist organization Hamas launched a massive, coordinated attack against Israel. Canada unequivocally condemns these terrible attacks in the strongest possible terms and reaffirms its support for Israel’s right to defend itself, in accordance with international law.

“The images we have seen are horrifying and shocking. As we fully realize the scale and brutality of this violence in the coming days, we extend our deepest condolences to everyone affected. Our hearts break for the hundreds of innocent people whose lives were senselessly taken.

“We call for the immediate release of those being held hostage and demand they be treated in accordance with international law. We will continue to monitor the situation closely, and we are in touch with our international partners to restore peace and security in the region. We must all work to protect civilian life.

“To our Israeli friends, Canadians stand with you. The Government of Canada stands ready to support you – our support for the Israeli people is steadfast.”

Canadians in or around the affected area should limit their movements, follow instructions of local authorities, and shelter in place until it is safe to leave the area. For updated advice, Canadians are encouraged to monitor our Travel Advice and Advisories and sign up with the Registration of Canadians Abroad service.

Canadian officials in Ottawa and in our missions in Tel Aviv and Ramallah are working around the clock to provide emergency consular assistance to Canadians in these difficult times.

For emergency consular assistance, Canadians can contact Global Affairs Canada’s 24/7 Emergency Watch and Response Centre:
It sounds nice with the "Global Village" but it isn't realistic. The world is more in Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations."
The cease fire seems to be working. Egypt has suggested to have peacekeepers in Gaza. Will that work? The UN has a peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon but it can't prevent Hezbollah from throwing rockets against Israel. Can a peace keeping force prevent Hamas and others from throwing rockets against Israel?
The cease fire seems to be working. Egypt has suggested to have peacekeepers in Gaza. Will that work? The UN has a peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon but it can't prevent Hezbollah from throwing rockets against Israel. Can a peace keeping force prevent Hamas and others from throwing rockets against Israel?
Probably not.
The cease fire seems to be working. Egypt has suggested to have peacekeepers in Gaza. Will that work? The UN has a peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon but it can't prevent Hezbollah from throwing rockets against Israel. Can a peace keeping force prevent Hamas and others from throwing rockets against Israel?
Been there, tried that... So problably not, from me as well... :unsure::cool:

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The cease fire seems to be working. Egypt has suggested to have peacekeepers in Gaza. Will that work? The UN has a peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon but it can't prevent Hezbollah from throwing rockets against Israel. Can a peace keeping force prevent Hamas and others from throwing rockets against Israel?
A large part of the problem with that is who would make up a peacekeeping force, it would have to be made up from Muslim nations as sending a force seen as Christian would just wind up the likes of Iran who would then do everything they could to destablise it, sending Egyptians would have the same affect, sending Iranians would be unpalatable to Israelis and both sides would be at it again in hours, essentially there is no one that both sides can tolerate and then on top of this the UN is largely toothless so it would be a miserable time for anyone sent.

Probably the closest to a working solution would be to give the territory to Egypt as they have a functioning relationship with the Israelis and don't like Hamas but should be acceptable to the average Palestinian living there.
The Hindus wouldn't be acceptable either due to the issues between India and Pakistan. A peacekeeping force from Buddhist countries maybe.
Trudeau visited a moskee ,not a synagogue .
Trudeau said :the world is witnessing the killing of women,children and babies, insinuating that this was the work of Israel ,while the truth is that Israel is doing everything to keep civilians out of harm's way,while Hamas, OTOS, is doing everything to keep the Palestinians in harm's way . Hamas is using the 2 million'' Palestinians '' as a living shield to be able to murder Israeli civilians .
Trudeau urged Israel, NOT Hamas, to use maximum restraint to protect ( " Palestinian '' ) civilians,implying that Israel did not use this maximum restraint . He remained silent about Hamas .
For Trudeau Hamas has the right to kill deliberately ( = to murder ) Jewish civilians, while Israel has not the right to kill Hamas terrorists ,because this could result in the death of Palestinian civilians .
Trudeau is taking the side of Hamas .
Egypt will refuse the offer to have Gaza and Hamas will refuse the annexation of Gaza by Egypt .
A large part of the problem with that is who would make up a peacekeeping force, it would have to be made up from Muslim nations as sending a force seen as Christian would just wind up the likes of Iran who would then do everything they could to destablise it, sending Egyptians would have the same affect, sending Iranians would be unpalatable to Israelis and both sides would be at it again in hours, essentially there is no one that both sides can tolerate and then on top of this the UN is largely toothless so it would be a miserable time for anyone sent.

Probably the closest to a working solution would be to give the territory to Egypt as they have a functioning relationship with the Israelis and don't like Hamas but should be acceptable to the average Palestinian living there.
He said :the Government of Canada is ready to support you .
What support did he give to Israel ?
He urged Israel not to kill Hamas terrorists because that could result in the death of civilians in Gaza .
Did the Canadian PM King urge the RAF not to attack Dresden because that would result in the death of German civilians ?
And about Macron : he said that Israel should not attack Gaza after Hamas murdered 1400 Israeli women and children because it would increase the hostility of the ''Palestinians '' ,but when Muslim terrorists murdered 250 French in 2015 and 2016 ,French sent aircraft to the ME with as mission to kill the terrorists and with as result also the death of Arab civilians .
Conclusion : Muslim terrorists have the right to murder Jews, but not the right to murder French .
Is it true or not that the Muslim mayor of London and the Muslim PM of Scotland have condemned Israel when it replied to the attacks of Hamas ?
Is it true or not that in the US, in France, Britain, Germany..... Muslim leaders have openly supported Hamas ?
Is it true or not that in Australia Muslims are targeting Jews ?
An American destroyer and other vessels have been attacked in the Red Sea.

The Israelis are turning south. Are the civilians now fleeing north now?
This is not a generalization : a generalization would be ALL Muslims ,which I did not say :I said :Muslims over the whole world .