Civil war casualties
If anyone is interested,
Just a breakdown:
Federal Army Casualties
Killed in action or mortally wounded: 110,100
Killed in action: 67,088
Mortally wounded: 43,012
Died of disease: 224,580
Died as prisoners of war: 30,192
Other types of non-battle deaths: 24,881
Accidents: 4,114
Drowned: 4,944
Murdered: 520
Killed after capture: 104
Suicide: 391
Executed by Federal authorities: 267
Executed by the enemy: 64
Sunstroke: 313
Other causes: 2,043
Cause not stated: 12,121
Total Deaths: 389,753
Wounded in Action: 275,175
Total casualties, 1861 to 1865: 664,928
Confederate Army Casualties
Killed in action or mortally wounded: 94,000
Died of disease: 164,000
Died as prisoners of war: 31,000
Total Deaths: 289,000
Wounded in action: 194,026
Total casualties, 1861 to 1865: 483,026
Prisoners of War
Federal Prisoners
211,411 prisoners of war
16,668 paroled on the field
30,218 died in prison
15.5% mortality rate
Confederate Prisoners
462,634 prisoners of war
247,769 paroled on the field
25,976 died in prison
12% mortality rate