Re: ben youre on confused man
methinks you are forgetting the size of our countries. US, pop. 250million, UK, pop. 58million. BIG difference. we done quite well without you in both world wars, and i believe the US army failed in nam? even though they don't like to admit that they were beaten by a bunch of farmers. but, thanks all the same for help in the world wars.
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VEK, I suggest you read the Forum rules. Do not let me see another post like this one again or your stay on this forum will be very short.
TacticalEdge said:The US is the BEST the brits are good but they always seem to forget that we won a war with only some farmers and badly trained men..... we won with spirit... i have no problem with you being partiotic but listen when i say that in every major engagment the US has been the deciding factor lets see: WWII, WWI, War of 1812, American revolution, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm..... the list goes on and on...... plus we did beat your butts twice....... the US is simply the best..... and the USMC is the best of the best...... UURAAHHH
methinks you are forgetting the size of our countries. US, pop. 250million, UK, pop. 58million. BIG difference. we done quite well without you in both world wars, and i believe the US army failed in nam? even though they don't like to admit that they were beaten by a bunch of farmers. but, thanks all the same for help in the world wars.

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VEK, I suggest you read the Forum rules. Do not let me see another post like this one again or your stay on this forum will be very short.