Should Women Be In The Military?

Should Women Be In The Military?

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texasrebel211 said:
well she was there and she said her rifle jammed.....

edit for grammar, i suck at english :P

There is no need to justify yourself when you are wrong, man up and drive on.

Any further off-topic posts will be deleted.
Yes women could handle being combat soldiers, men cant handle seeing a women getting hurt. As shown in Iraq when a woman is in combat men tend to group around them to protect them and forget to watch their flanks and end up getting themselves killed. That pretty much sums it up.
r031Button I'll even go several ranks higher than that. My state's Adjutant General (commanding general of the National Guard) is a woman and the first to hold that job in any of the 50 United States. Major General Martha Rainville is a damn fine officer I am proud to have known since she was a major.
Charge_7 said:
r031Button I'll even go several ranks higher than that. My state's Adjutant General (commanding general of the National Guard) is a woman and the first to hold that job in any of the 50 United States. Major General Martha Rainville is a damn fine officer I am proud to have known since she was a major.

I think the point is that women can do the job; provided they're held to the same standards as the men.
r031Button said:
Charge_7 said:
r031Button I'll even go several ranks higher than that. My state's Adjutant General (commanding general of the National Guard) is a woman and the first to hold that job in any of the 50 United States. Major General Martha Rainville is a damn fine officer I am proud to have known since she was a major.

I think the point is that women can do the job; provided they're held to the same standards as the men.
that is what i am saying

if they were head to to same standards then i wouldn't have much of a problem with them being in combat
r031Button, if you weren't being so defensive, son you'd have noticed I was agreeing with you. Also I don't believe I need to have anything military wise pointed out to me by somebody who who hasn't even been alive as long as I served. Take a deep breath and read things carefully before you post. Not playing moderator by any means. Just some helpful advice.
Charge_7 said:
r031Button, if you weren't being so defensive, son you'd have noticed I was agreeing with you. Also I don't believe I need to have anything military wise pointed out to me by somebody who who hasn't even been alive as long as I served. Take a deep breath and read things carefully before you post. Not playing moderator by any means. Just some helpful advice.

With alll do respect; I was under the impression I was using your agreement to to back up my point; as for obvious reasons your post validated my opinion much better then my own. Sorry for the confusion.
Not a problem. The words "I think the point is..." came off like you were contridicticing me. It is hard to always get the right message in a text only based means of communication.
In my personal opinion i voted that women should not be allowed to serve in a combat position, i do know however that there are many women who could hold their own like SilverPhoenix probably, i am also a big fan of World's Strongest competitions and those women from Finland, Norway, and Sweden can pull trains and deadlift like 800lbs, 800lbs is alot. but i still must say that overall men are more capable in most combat situations. Oh and i wouldn't say that seeing a women hurt makes a man care more than seeing a man hurt i just believe that us guys tend to react to the women being hurt more.

one more thing, i have being hearing some people say stuff about if a women should or should not be in the kitchen, WTF IS WRONG WITH BEING IN THE DAMN KITCHEN, I HAPPEN TO BE A DAMN GOOD COOK AND THAT IS REGARDLESS OF MY SEX, I ALSO KNOW THAT MANY WOMEN CAN'T COOK, SEX HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH COOKING.
Under no circumstances.

Just kidding, I'm all for them being in combat roles, my girlfriend is a combat medic. There isn't any reason why with the same training they can't fight just as well as a male.
my wife is in the Army, so I have an interesting take on this subject. My wife believes that women were not meant for combat roles. We had a debate last night on the issue of combat. I was watching the last battalion and she is like "how can you pick a job that deals with that [combat]." Later she said that she could not deal with the stresses of combat and said that women were not meant for such rolls.

I have worked with women in the Army, but not on active duty. I was deployed with the reserves to Iraq as combat bridging. In the 12c mos, women are allowed to serve. We did not have too many problems but there was some problems with relationships and sexual harassment. It is the same way with my wifes unit. My wife has a friend who is trying to sleep with the major to make "life easier in the office." I shutter to think of the problems that would occur if women were allowed in the infantry. My unit is the biggest bunch of bastards I have come accross.

in conclusion, I am for females in the army, but not in direct combat rolls.
Doody said:
my wife is in the Army, so I have an interesting take on this subject. My wife believes that women were not meant for combat roles. We had a debate last night on the issue of combat. I was watching the last battalion and she is like "how can you pick a job that deals with that [combat]." Later she said that she could not deal with the stresses of combat and said that women were not meant for such rolls.

I have worked with women in the Army, but not on active duty. I was deployed with the reserves to Iraq as combat bridging. In the 12c mos, women are allowed to serve. We did not have too many problems but there was some problems with relationships and sexual harassment. It is the same way with my wifes unit. My wife has a friend who is trying to sleep with the major to make "life easier in the office." I shutter to think of the problems that would occur if women were allowed in the infantry. My unit is the biggest bunch of bastards I have come accross.

in conclusion, I am for females in the army, but not in direct combat rolls.

I have to say, I've noticed that new female recruits are much mor the ranks then new males ones.
There easier to instruct as recruits and better behaved I found when instructing, although most do lack in the field. And I underline MOST not all of them
I can't see anything wrong with manning intelligence centers or even artillery such as Patriot batteries. Front line? No! Nyet! Nein!
I don't have a problem with women serving in most MOS fields. They are generally just as capable as their counterparts. Infantry, Armor, Field Artillery and Combat Engineers should however remain restricted to males. IMHO.