People aren't as clueless about Vietnam anymore...well, I'm not at least. I've been studying that war since I was about 12-13 years old. I've probably read no less than 500 books on the subject and personally interviewed between 20-25 veterans of the conflict specifically for research papers or critical analysis...
With that being said, my understanding is academic when it comes to familiar places and units I've come across in my readings. Places like Dak To, Pleiku, Da Lat, Vung Tao, the Rockpile, Dai Do, Gio Lihn, Cu Chi, etc At the same time the accounts of combat seem alarmingly familiar. The frustrations, uncertainty, anger, rear echelon BS from REMFs, etc is still pretty much the same. You guys operated mostly in the jungle, we operated mostly in the cities(in iraq) and in valleys and mountains in Astan.
I'm sure if you took the time to listen, you'd realize there are quite a lot of similarities. Just because you know nothing now is no excuse. You have resources in libraries, book stores, and primary sources here. But, if you really don't care to listen or learn about what those wars were like than say so. It'll speak volumes more about you and your motives than anyone else's....