Quite Obvious ?


We in the West assume presume that the population in the East have the same likes and value as us when in fact their civilization is far in advanced to ours , they DO have values they do realize there is a difference between the Male and Female , they don't idolize people performing partially clothed or high on drugs , kids work right along side with their parents ,there are many things they have that we need .8-)
I'm sorry but I don't "get" the point of this post - other than to get your post count up. If anyone would like to fill me in...?
When I took the oath upon entering the service I felt pretty good about it , this Country was worth fighting for , still is but the thrill is gone .
I'm asking plainly because it begs explanation. I want to ensure I don't misinterpret your meaning. Either they are empty words said to imply your day and your time were better than today, or they were said in relation to having less restrictions placed on you while you served. Or I am completely wrong, the fact is, don't say stuff that is questionable and expect it not to be questioned.
You use a lot of words to say nothing , the thrill to me is gone , the empty suits the political correct , the young who don't even know who the First President was and are not sure who the Present President is , this is just a few ...
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Cynicism never got anyone anywhere. Instead of smugly infering your time or you yourself are/were better, why don't you try to be part of the solution. The days of "Leave it to Beaver" are over. That isn't reality and it probably never was. You act like those younger than you are the only idiots out there when it was those your age (plus or minus 10 years) who got us into this mess in the first place. You inherited the greatest country this world had ever seen from the WWII generation and squadered it. Take a look in the mirror before you start passing judgement.

You want a better country, do something about it instead of sniveling. Otherwise, keep your trap shut while the rest of us try to fix this mess.
When I took the oath upon entering the service I felt pretty good about it , this Country was worth fighting for , still is but the thrill is gone .

No a new thrill of vanity and a scandalous lifestyles and behaviors have taken it's place. Riding in on the back of mass consumerism and runaway unregulated free capitalism it has been packaged, slapped on a plastic lunchbox and now sells sells sells,

And as long as it does the longer we all will live in such a society, even now we export it. This requires mass social acceptance, and it would take a mass social rejection to change this. We all have passively decided we don't want to or just bluntly don't care to do so.

If change is done right you have a morally conscience citizenry and respectable outlook on many things in the world, when done wrong we have the Taliban.

Welcome to the free world. I hope your nap was fulfilling.
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More than willing to defer to the fixers , I'm even willing to stop using a lot of words to say nothing , I'll leave that to others more proficient to that then me . the greatest generation gave us 40 years of Cold War but they also gave us TV a reasonable trade off .
The nap was fulfilling but it was interrupted when that fool in / on Air Force said he was surprised that Iraq forces were not strong enough to handle ISIS-ISIL , then we have the first home grown Ebola patient who flew in from Africa last week and when the authorities tell you not to worry then you best start worrying .
IF you missedThe point than I made the point .

More than willing to defer to the fixers , I'm even willing to stop using a lot of words to say nothing , I'll leave that to others more proficient to that then me . the greatest generation gave us 40 years of Cold War but they also gave us TV a reasonable trade off .

The nap was fulfilling but it was interrupted when that fool in / on Air Force said he was surprised that Iraq forces were not strong enough to handle ISIS-ISIL , then we have the first home grown Ebola patient who flew in from Africa last week and when the authorities tell you not to worry then you best start worrying .

See...this is what I'm talking about. I've seen loudspeakers ramble less than you. Could you...I dunno...make some sense? Oh and your comment about "don't even know who the first president was" etc etc seriously...how old are you? Any person willing to die for his country - be it the Civil War, the Cold War, or the War on Terror - is worthy of the respect of this Nation and her people. Just because you've served does NOT give you the right to talk down on the boys and girls currently serving. And don't come at me with that horse manure, because I have a slight feeling that MY rank, MY medals earned serving this country, MY service ribbons is a bit more expanded than yours.
See...this is what I'm talking about. I've seen loudspeakers ramble less than you. Could you...I dunno...make some sense? Oh and your comment about "don't even know who the first president was" etc etc seriously...how old are you? Any person willing to die for his country - be it the Civil War, the Cold War, or the War on Terror - is worthy of the respect of this Nation and her people. Just because you've served does NOT give you the right to talk down on the boys and girls currently serving. And don't come at me with that horse manure, because I have a slight feeling that MY rank, MY medals earned serving this country, MY service ribbons is a bit more expanded than yours.

Won't be long before we start hearing "I was in a real war". Lol!
More than willing to defer to the fixers , I'm even willing to stop using a lot of words to say nothing , I'll leave that to others more proficient to that then me . the greatest generation gave us 40 years of Cold War but they also gave us TV a reasonable trade off .

Certainly a difference between saying nothing and simply refusing to listen.
Won't be long before we start hearing "I was in a real war". Lol!

Lol I really hate that argument, too. Last time I checked...real lead is still being shot! I don't recall teaching recruits to shoot enemies with "fake" bullets! Hahaha.
E-4 , DFC , ACM/V , AM/V 14 AM /M PLUS THE USUAL I WAS THERE MEDALS , and I was NEVER willing to die for my Country I let my enemy have that choice and I was there to help him . If you have to blow your own horn nothing comes out .
E-4 , DFC , ACM/V , AM/V 14 AM /M PLUS THE USUAL I WAS THERE MEDALS , and I was NEVER willing to die for my Country I let my enemy have that choice and I was there to help him . If you have to blow your own horn nothing comes out .

Isn't that what you just did?

Medals don't mean shit anyways.