Poland wins name change for Auschwitz death camp

Formerly Known as Germany:

The Polish state wants to stress that Auschwitz was once German (upper Silesia in German jargon). They therefore came up with a new name for Auschwitz: "the Former Nazi German Concentration Camp of Auschwitz". How about changing the name of Poland to: "The former German provinces of East Prussia, Pommerania, and Silesia" or maybe "formerly known as Germany"?
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Hmm...Well, I think that they just want it to be clear that they aren't the ones who hated the Jews. Would you like to have that legacy? No. Thats why they changed it. And come on ollie, you cant compare the two.
Anyone with more than three brain cells to rub together is well aware of who was involved and who did what. Why is Poland so interested in catering to the brain dead?
moving0target said:
Anyone with more than three brain cells to rub together is well aware of who was involved and who did what. Why is Poland so interested in catering to the brain dead?

Thanks. That's my point, but written in my normally perverse form of humour.
Its connected to the recent upswell in extreme nationalism in Poland. Wouldn't it be ironic if after thousands of years of being everyone's doormat from Attilla to Hitler to Stalin that Poland became a belligerant militaristic nation? It would be one way to wipe out all the pollock jokes for sure. :)
Ollie Garchy many times in foreign TV news. newspapers. etc they were saying about Polish Concentration Camp of Auschwitz. We want to make it clear once and for all that it was Nazi Concentration camp not Polish.

Ps: How about changing the name of Germany to: the ones who started two World Wars.

No offence Ollie
To me Auschwitz is almost synonymous with Nazi concentration camp. I have never thought of it without thinking Nazi Germany.
I agree, and I know it was the Nazi, not modern-day Poland that committed those atrocious crimes.

Venom PL said:
How about changing the name of Germany to: the ones who started two World Wars.

Hey, hey, hey. Come on now...Germany wasn't the ones who started WWII, it was one man. It wasn't a nation, it was one group of twisted souls. They just said Polish concentration camp because it is in POLAND. Its a location, not the nationality.
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That was the whole point of my post, Henderson.
Sometimes you remind me of a dumb blonde I once knew.
Yea I understand your point of view on this situation - but your government didn't received a lot of stupid e-mails and false TV statements claiming that actually poles were responsible for massacre in Auschwitz. Every normally thinking human been knows that it was nazi concentration camp but unfortunately not all of them. That’s wy we wanted to change Auschwitz name. If it was only about the location (Poland) the whole problem would not even exist.

BTW - my sentence about Germany was only a response to Ollie (in my opinion rude) post. I've never blamed Germany as a whole nation for starting WWII.
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Changing the name of the nation is close enough to blaming the nation. Though I know what you mean.

I wouldnt listen to the false ads and emails...Auschwitz is part of history...We shouldnt try to rename it just because a few nutjobs think the Poles were responsible for crimes the Nazis ADMITTED to committing. We should stand proud and say that we learned from the past and want to honor those who died in that horrible event by not bowing down to the wishes of a couple of people, but by keeping the name, no matter what.

Why did Poland need the permission of the United Nations to change the name of a Former Nazi Death Camp in their own territory.

I would think that since it is now in Poland, Poland can do what ever the hell they want with it. If they want to blow it up and build a theme park on top of the ashes of it. Go right ahead.

What gives the UN the right to say yes or no?
The UN just felt the need to look like they were doing something half-way important, so they said that they were the ones who gave Poland permission to change the name.