Marines or Soldiers??

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Average soldier the United States Marine Corp

Elite soldier United States Navy SEALs

Marines aren't soldiers, they're just Marines.

SEALs are sailors, or very rarely "former" Marines gone awry.
RnderSafe said:
Average soldier the United States Marine Corp

Elite soldier United States Navy SEALs

Marines aren't soldiers, they're just Marines.

sorry man but Marines are soldiers, somone who fights for their country is a soldier the USMC are probably the fiercest and most recognized soldiers in this world
sorry man but Marines are soldiers, somone who fights for their country is a soldier the USMC are probably the fiercest and most recognized soldiers in this world

Taylor, what's your MOS and where are you? First thing you should have learned at the Island of Hell or out in Hollywood is never to call a Marine a soldier.
Secondly, while most Marines are gung-ho, that's not to take away from any Army dogs (those would be soldiers). They have their share of fierce fighting history.
Marines are NOT soldiers. Marines are Marines, or jarheads. In the US, well amongst us military folk, "soldier" refers to the Army.
Taylor, what's your MOS and where are you? First thing you should have learned at the Island of Hell or out in Hollywood is never to call a Marine a soldier.
Secondly, while most Marines are gung-ho, that's not to take away from any Army dogs (those would be soldiers). They have their share of fierce fighting history.

As you were Taylor,
you are trying to start a war with the Marines, because as before stated no offence with the army ... We are not Soldiers.. We are Marines... Devildogs!.
fire for effect-you did and you are way off
adjust a few clicks to the left and continue to fire
Now now...

All of you should take a few deep breaths....Count to ten.
I think USMCtaylor was trying to esteblish that Marines are just as good as Soldiers, he wasent trying to put the Core down(for pits sake, his name starts with USMC). Now, World Wide Branch Warfare isent a good thing...So everybody just relax...Army, Marines, Airforce...You are all defenders of what i see as one of the greatest democracys.God Bless all who defend freedom!
I'm not sure who is upset, but as to my response to USMC-Taylor - I'm not sure if he is in fact a Marine, or simply a Marine hopeful. I would like to know your MOS Taylor, and where you are stationed. This should have little to do with who is better, who is not. In fact, such silly comparisons and/or harsh rivalries are mostly left to those that have never served and feel the need to cheerlead from the sidelines. If one hasn't walked in those boots, one really doesn't know enough to make decisions. I myself have been an Irish Soldier, a US Soldier and a US Marine - with each I have found differences, I have found some good things, some bad thing - but the important thing, that does remain the same is the camaraderie, esprit de corps, and knowing the men next to you at that time (better trained, or less trained than other units or services) will fight with you when push come to shove, and will have your back.
I think USMCtaylor was trying to esteblish that Marines are just as good as Soldiers,

as good as ?
the name on the handle means nothing. As i could tell by the way Safe responded, i could automatically tell he was a Marine. Just because we are trained to think a certain way and that way is to ensure we are distinguished military branch. We do not gloat and say we are better, but we do not classify ourselves as "as good as" or "better than"
we earned our title and take pride in our title of being called the US MARINES. this taylor guy doesnt rate to have the title of US Marine. The 1st time someone calls you a Marine is a memorable one. Ask any Marine the time and place and i can guarantee you... they know... If like before stated on the ROEs do not place "names" if you arent one or wish to be one. people begin to think that you are one... and then begin to embarrass the branch.
Im proud to carry the title of US Marine, and you are G8@ D#24%^! right i will defend its honor and what it signifies. I will not let some low rate punk tarnish what i worked so hard to earn. If he is one ill call him out and re teach some BOOTCAMP values!

I'm not taking any sides here when saying this because there isn't a side to be taken in American Defense, but the historical definition of a soldier and the connotation of that better applies to the Marines than the Army for the simple reason that the Marines do more of the fighting(the soldier part) and the army does the occupation(the policing part). My two cents throw it in the gutter if you will.
well i counted to ten and im relaxed and im good..

Marine, being by name is just that its Marine Warfare where we attack from the sea.. thats it.

soldiers are just that.. fighters.. i wish i could say land based but you guys come from everywhere..

Marine are just 1st wave style fighters. Everyone is unique, we do not compare ourselves to everyone. We are expedetionary and we are a maritime force. Thats we like to take cruises on the navy ships...we like to be on the water..

(well not really )
it's just a discussion guys - a little friendly rivalry is all good :)

USMC-Taylor said:
the USMC are probably the fiercest and most recognized soldiers in this world

comments like that I think need to be elaborated on a little further :)
I split this one from the "worlds best soldier" post..

It was getting waaay :offtopic:

You can continue here if you want to.
But watch your language, and respect the other members opinions too!

NOW your starting to upset me, diplomatic.... :wink:
The US Army did it's share of fighting. Are you saying that say, the 101st and the 82nd AB divisions did less fighting then the Marines? Now, the Marines are a smaller branch so they have less backlines units, thats true. But to say that the Marines conqure and the Army occupies, thats all wrong. Were the beaches of Normandy taken by the Marines? Did the Marines "Lead the way" in North Africa? How About Italy? Was the Marine core the Main force in the drive to Bagdahd? No. Marines do their job- Seaborne shock troops. They are some of the best warriors in the world. But the fighting Army units are also very good.
Never call a Marine a soldier. Never call a soldier a Marine. Why? Is it because one is better than the other? No. They are earned titles, titles earned with sweat, blood and tears and titles that represent something to all of us that have earned them. I was once a soldier, and part of me will always be .. but now I am a Marine, and I'm just as proud of that as I was of being a soldier.

The Marines and the Army each have a different culture within their respective services. Neither is better than the other, and all are professionals. But there are differences in attitude, professionalism, philosophy and outlooks. Each service has their 10% assclowns, the slackers, the lackeys that make everyone look bad to an untrained and unaccustomed eye. Each have their problems, and perhaps that is best saved for another thread, but the point is ... a grunt is a grunt. We in the Infantry (whether Army or Marine, Airborne or leg) are all ground pounding killers of men. Professionals at what we do, and proud of the weight we carry, the sweat that pores out of us, and the blood we shed for our Country.

the marines wiped out anything that stood in their path. They fought and killed those DAMN so called soldiers!! There are more dead marines than army. Where were you when the marines needed the army. They can't fight this war alone! They deserve the title marines and sure do earn respect just by that title. Give'em that at least. They all fought their hearts out. They used their blood, sweat and tears for G*D sakes!!!
What soldiers??
What dead Marines??
When did the Marines need the Army??

What are you talking about?? :?:
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