Legality/Ethics of (US) Commissioned Officer Commentary

Iraq n Baq said:
I'm not sure it really matters if they knew they were going to be in a big box-office "lets-hate-on-Mr-President" crockumentary or if they thought they were going to be in someone's home movies. They were wearing the uniform of a United States Army officer, and there was a camera present (that they proceeded to talk into).

Gold Star Award for nailing the point to the ground!!!! :D

I also point out that most US residents know exactly who Michael Moore is and what his views are. Moreoever, the formal releases they HAD to have signed for the comments to be used in the film would have told any reasonably intelligent person that their comments were going to be used in the film and that it would NOT be friendly, or even neutral, towards President Bush and his adminstration.
How hard is it to find disgruntled people to make your case?
M Moore found a couple of them in Iraq...piece of cake....and its America! Punishing them would bring even more credibility and advertizing to the propaganda...The morons knew what they were doing was against both rules and ethics but had ther moments of fame! You know, the "wistleblowers": they are part of the problems but turn into heroes when selling off the other guys!!! :lol: Some ethics!!!

Contarily to most of you, I did see the piece in order to be able to argue my points (remember: know your "enemy" if you want to fight him...) and my comments were even published in the local (how liberal!) major newspaper.

If Moore were a Republican, he would have directed a "documentary" (Skerry Movie?) based on the Democratic candidate for the White House. He would have exposed the foreign campaign contributions and emphasized the "flip-flopping" and voting history on major issues. He would have shown interviews of Heinz employees complaining about their jobs moving overseas, staged a re-enactment of the anti-Vietnam War meetings and medal dumping. And he would have shown Kerry as a fame and medal seeker who blew minor scratches out of proportion.
The left-wing French elite in Cannes voted against President Bush. So will the United States. It does not make Moore's piece a prize-winner or his radical propaganda a documentary.
- Eric XXXXXX, Folsom
The morons knew what they were doing was against both rules and ethics but had ther moments of fame!

Rules, ethics .. easy to get around those. It was against the LAW. You can argue against it all you like, but that little fact will not change. Justify it with whatever means you wish, it will still be against the law.

Contarily to most of you, I did see the piece in order to be able to argue my points

Ah, the arrogant display. :lol: How .. silly.
"Ah, the arrogant display. How .. silly." know these French!!! :lol:

Actually I re-read the postings and agree I kind of miscounted the # of people confessing they did not see it :oops: but it is a comment I hear so often around me that I applied it here...
What is it again: Think, Push, Talk :lol:

As far as the law goes, I am not trying to argue or justify what they is wrong...but has become so common lately...
Here in CA, our local news interviewed and displayed dozens of reserve or active duty personnels commenting on their deployment, torture, Iraq...
It looks like the duty of reserve attached to the job has been eroded...
Add to that the coverage of high profile cases of desertors or consciousness objectors and the speeches by their lawyers or associations that defend their "rights" and will end up with people giving interviews such as the one debated here.
Eric said: know these French!!! :lol:

Bloody snail eaters. :lol:

As far as the law goes, I am not trying to argue or justify what they is wrong...but has become so common lately...
Here in CA, our local news interviewed and displayed dozens of reserve or active duty personnels commenting on their deployment, torture, Iraq...
It looks like the duty of reserve attached to the job has been eroded...
Add to that the coverage of high profile cases of desertors or consciousness objectors and the speeches by their lawyers or associations that defend their "rights" and will end up with people giving interviews such as the one debated here.

A large problem with that is we have let a vast amount of discipline slip to the way side in order to please those on the more "touchy-feely" side of civilian life. The military has it's own set of laws for a reason, we cannot live as civilians do.. too many lives are at stake to allow Pvt Snuffy his "freedom of speech" to disagree with the political principles of war in the middle of an operation. If they do not know this when they sign up, they should.

We've always had deserters during times of war, their numbers are few and far between and until the recent PC boom, they never had much of a voice. Now, they are being used and even using themselves as a means to fulfill a political agenda.
If you want to see excellent, erudite, hard-hitting commentary on Fahrenheit 9/11, go to, and click on "What's Wrong With Fahrenheit 9/11?" by Joey Tartakovsky. It will shed some light on Michael Moore's dubious footage, and why, as one reader said, "something just didn't feel right". Enjoy!

turning corner

U.S.A these days is becoming more like communist country than P.R.China or Russia.
That is most Chinese/Russian coming to this country have found out.
Re: turning corner

proteinxx said:
U.S.A these days is becoming more like communist country than P.R.China or Russia.
That is most Chinese/Russian coming to this country have found out.

Yea we are totally communist because we expect our soldiers to do their job and to not break the law. Other things that make us communist: Capitalism, Private Ownership, The Bill Of Rights, The Constitution. These things are turning us into raving communists and they must be stopped

two more cents

relax man...

asking somebody who have ever lived in communist countries. Only those who ever lived in both sides can tell the difference. Have you ever lived in communist country? most you heard about communist might just propaganda from this free world.

I totally agree communist is not good thing at all. But, do you know the real difference?

A soldier in communist country cannot reject order, and cannot question the order.
A soldier in free word can NOT reject order, but, shall express the opinion about the order, it means, can question the order, can he?

I think that makes the difference. what's your opinion?
he is not allowed to undermine authority. he can only question an illegal order and even then he must do it privately, these soliders aren't being punished they might have been in a communist country. this forum happens to believe they should be punished, because many of us are ashamed.