How is the weather like where you are now?!

Normal summer weather has resumed - lashing down and blowing a gale! This constant heavy rain followed by 2 or 3 sunny days, had got my lawn growing like wild fire!
Still hot as Hades down here!!!
Hey Boss, great to hear you're getting exercise mowing! Could ya please cut my grass too? I can't see my dachshund through the tall grass right now. Ha ha.

Still hot as Hades down here!!!
Hey Boss, great to hear you're getting exercise mowing! Could ya please cut my grass too? I can't see my dachshund through the tall grass right now. Ha ha.


As a rule, the rabbits and pigs keep it short, but it's growing faster than they can eat it. :D
So hot it feels like we're slowly melting.. I could fry and egg on my porch. Might try it later just to see...:bored:
Wednesday 10th August. Today is so nice and warm, its like spring again.

Some BRILLIANT news, my son and his girlfriend are coming over next month. It will be wonderful to see him again, it will be the first time I'll meet her.
Ha ha! Guess the painter won't be painting today. We're expecting that 91L (?) tropical depression to climb up the coastline today. Oh goody! Thank goodness I had the hurricane windows and doors installed. I mean it. I am NOT looking forward to this!!!!!!

Oh my word, some system is coming up from down Cuba way. Rain, rain, rain!!! That's all we're going to have this week. The aquifers probably need it. So, I won't complain that much...., maybe.
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The past couple of days have been really nice, but thursday, friday and saturday looks like rain, hopefully clearing up by Sunday as my son arrives from UK.:mrgreen:

I cannot wait to see the lad
Very crisp!!! Very welcome!!! Nights, early mornings in the low 50's F. That's chilly weather for we Deep Southerners.
Simply delicious!!!

Nice and warm, bright and sunny. I drove into Cape Town this morning along the coast road, it was amazing.:mrgreen:
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It is 72 degrees F! In DECEMBER! 1:30 in the morn. Egad. Still air. And if I get bit ONE more time by a $&@¥% mosquito, I will yell at the top of my lungs. It's damp also... no, no... I'm EXTREMELY glad to be here, I'm not complaining. Just telling ya how it is...

