Re: well
sherman105 said:
Oh, and as to the AK pointed=giving the finger, well thats partially true, but I would hate to take my chanses, so the IDF policy(as i know) is to blast away....Well, I guss Norwegians are just more cool headedn then us.
I think it's much more likely that they would shoot at the IDF than a Norwegian Peacekeeper..
But I guess that Norwegians are a bit more "cooleheaded" than many other nations as well when we work abroad. 8)
I can give many examples of situations we have encountered that I'm sure would have turned out a lot more nasty than they did if some other nations were involved.
I guess it comes from experiences learned from our 20 year long stay in Lebanon where we had no heavier weapons than the 84mm Carl Gustav (which we was not allowed to use much anyway), and no backup forces, so we had to rely on our "cool heads" and diplomatic skills, rather than brute Force and the entire American Air Force.. :lol:
This is something we have brought with us to most AORs abroad, mostly with great success.
And to you first comment:
the UN ROE in Lebanon is a MILITARY one, but it's ment for Peacekeeping operations, which is quite different to Peaceenforcing ones..
UN ROEs are different from mission to mission, and it depends if it's PK or PE as well.
And as Redneck said, ROEs will ALWAYS be issued for a military operation, if it's not (in case of a homeland war/invasion etc.) every country has their standard ROEs for those kind of situations.