Do you have facial hair?

Do you have facial hair?

  • Nope

    Votes: 13 20.6%
  • yeah but I shave.

    Votes: 33 52.4%
  • yeah,a moustache

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • yup,just a goatee

    Votes: 5 7.9%
  • yeah man I got a beard.

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • other (explain)

    Votes: 8 12.7%

  • Total voters
Its just fun to see what you can do. Its a guy thing, you wouldnt understand. ;)

Besides, Im not the one going with the Walrus look, its mighty. I still think that the long sideburns connecting the goatee looks good on me. Not many guys can pull it off at 16 either. Hahaha
lol @ guy thing

Well I dont know, I just like this antique look as I said ^_^ I dont know if I look better without it, but it also satisfies me, and the firt person you should please is ur self ^_^
Here's one just for my pal, Mighty...


General Ambrose Burnside
Yeah must be a guy thing LMAO!! But as soon as you meet a girl it suddenly becomes a girl thing!!!:wink:

And Team Infidel thats all well and good honey, but what does Mrs Team Infidel have to say about it???
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Being in the military, I have to shave everyday when I wake up. If I were in training, I have to shave twice a day to fight the five o clock shadow. Do not want to be gigged for an unkept appearance. It is a stupid gig.
Luckily, people don´t give a rats a$$ wether or not i shave. Then again my boss of the day is Redleg and he usually doesn´t care as long as the job get´s done...:avi:

I shave though.. had a line from ear to ear a way back, but it itched something terribly... :viking: <--- want one of those:wink:
I shave during the summer and grow my winter coat in the colder months as it gets really cold up in the mountain pass. 👍
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