Do you have facial hair?

Do you have facial hair?

  • Nope

    Votes: 13 20.6%
  • yeah but I shave.

    Votes: 33 52.4%
  • yeah,a moustache

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • yup,just a goatee

    Votes: 5 7.9%
  • yeah man I got a beard.

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • other (explain)

    Votes: 8 12.7%

  • Total voters
3 to 6 days beard, shave every sunday :) Ladyshave seems to be better than Gilette razor wise....
But I heard that Scandinavians develop very little facial hair... just patches here and there. Is that true Sunb! ?
Ted said:
But I heard that Scandinavians develop very little facial hair... just patches here and there. Is that true Sunb! ?

A good question Ted. Facial hair is not so popular among the common guy anymore, and those who likes it create flip/goat styles and donuts...

Let us not talk about suburbanite guys who likes football and books about war... :)
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I shave every morning. Gotta keep up with uniform regulations! Mustaches are allowed, but I think I'd look rediculous with one, so I don't bother.
sunb! said:
A good question Ted. Facial hair is not so popular among the common guy anymore, and those who likes it create flip/goat styles and donuts...

Let us not talk about suburbanite guys who likes football and books about war... :)

heh, wait. What do u mean football guys and those who like books of war? they got facial hair?

Anyway, theer is a person who voted "other" but didnt explain :)

have fun !
:viking: Real vikings must have beard! :viking:

I have a "donut" and sometimes full beard, especially if I've had a few days off from work..
Goatee and when my razor goes on sabbatical I have some semblance of a beard but can't stand it for more than a couple days.

When I was a kid I couldn't wait to shave, now I find it to be a big pain in the tail section.
It really depends on my mood, somedays i like to be clean cut, other days I like to go to school looking like a barbarian with lots of facial hair. Im a hairy bastard but shave pretty reguarly.
heh, good show all :)

Well I really like my light moustaches. They arent the stiff ones yet. And my goatee? just gives me something to do when I am thinking 8)