I am not going to support anyone's use of chemical weapons although I would argue the US use of agent orange has probably killed more Americans than Vietnamese and I am not sure the use of defoliants is the same as a chemical weapons.
With regard to ISIS I fully support wiping them off the face of the planet by any means.
With regard to the Russia/Ukraine conflict it is a hard choice as the Ukrainians are certainly not saints, they have a lot of dubious elements operating within the Ukraine but they are not invading Russia the Russians are attacking them so I am happy to support them in this case.
I do not support ,nor condemn the use of CW ,as nothing of what I say/do not say has any influence on what is happening .Zelensky neither Putin will take any notion of what I am saying .
About Ukraine : if I was 20 and an Ukrainian, I would join the army and kill Russians .
But , I am not 20 neither am I an Ukrainian .
I am neutral and the fact that the Russians invaded Ukrainian is not a reason for me to support Ukraine .Besides my support will consist of words only .
War is not only human but a reality: peace is a transition from war A to war B .
If we had some intelligent politicians in the West, the problem would be very quickly solved. Intelligent people would use the following norm :
is a war won by Ukraine good or bad for us ?
If he is good for us ,we should remain silent and sell weapons to Zelensky ( If the US want, they could give them for free ) to make some money
If a victory of Russia is bad for us,we also should remain silent but not sell weapons to the Russians unless Putin asks for them .
But,our stupid and hypocritical politicians prefer war hysteria.
Macron because there are presidential elections in France very soon, Biden because in November there are mid term elections .
The media are telling us new fairy tales = that the attack ( without reason ) of a neutral country is a crime and than they continue with other stupidities as :moral duty, moral responsibilities, war being bad and we must have eternal peace ( WHY ? ),knowing well that this will resort in eternal war .
Ten years ago there was a civil war in Libya between the dictator Gadafi (Libya ruled by Gadafi was good for us ) and its opponents ,supported by ISIS . Because of ''moral '' considerations, Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy ( who had received money from Gadafi !) attacked him and supported de facto ISIS (the good terrorists ). At the same time,Putin was saving Syria from ISIS,not because he had any sympathy for Assad, but because Assad was good for his interests .Where was the common sense ?
In Moscow, not in Paris, NY or London .
The invasion of Ukraine is not a crime, but a mistake . So is the Western reaction and both, Russia and the West will pay for their mistakes.
That the president of the US is acting as a stupid journalist,calling his opponent a war criminal who should be liquidated,forgetting that the today's opponent is the tomorrow's ally,is something future generations will refuse to believe .