Having the right to apply for membership of NATO doesn't necessarily mean they will be accepted, that said I suspect the Ukraine could have the human rights record of North Korea and their size and location would get them in.
Although wasn't Georgia trying unsuccessfully to join when Russia invaded?
The bit I don't understand is why Russia is so frightened of NATO being in neighbor countries as Russia's size makes them pretty much safe from invasion anyway.
The Russians do not care about who is in charge in Kiev, but they are paranoide about Ukraine joining NATO:they fear that the result of this would be that NATO nuclear weapons would be installed in Kiev .
And, is their paranoia totally unjustified ?
Look at Belarus, a dictatorship ,and no member of NATO and EU .
The reaction of NATO and EU is : we do not accept your presence in Europe ,we do accept only countries with our political system,and we start sanctions against you and we say that not Lukachenko,but someone close to our ideas is the legitimate president of Belarus.If Tsihanouskaja was president,would Belarus not be de facto a member of NATO ?
The reaction of Lukachenka was to expected :he opened his borders so that thousands of illegal Muslim immigrants could go to the EU .Something he diid not do when the West did not attack him .
If NATO and EU are doing such things against Lukachenko, why would they not do it against Putin ?
What would have been the reaction of US if Mexico and Canada were communist states ?
We know US reaction when there were reports that Soviet nuclear weapons were present in Cuba .