Civil Air Patrol, heard of it?


Yeah I have heard of it. I see these guys that walk around school with their CAP unifroms looking like sh*t, unbuttoned shirts, unironed tops and bottoms, unpolished footwear, and crooked covers. That makes me mad when people make themselves look bad because you make everyone else look bad. EVERYONE who does this, you know who you are. And know this: You are a disgrace to not only yourself, but your squad, your platoon, and your company or division. I think that you should not be allowed to be a JROTC, CAP, YOUNG MARINES, or SEA CADET youth organization if you cannot keep your uniform maintained.

PO3 Jackson
United Stated Naval Sea Cadet Corps

SureShot223 said:
Yeah I have heard of it. I see these guys that walk around school with their CAP unifroms looking like sh*t, unbuttoned shirts, unironed tops and bottoms, unpolished footwear, and crooked covers. That makes me mad when people make themselves look bad because you make everyone else look bad. EVERYONE who does this, you know who you are. And know this: You are a disgrace to not only yourself, but your squad, your platoon, and your company or division. I think that you should not be allowed to be a JROTC, CAP, YOUNG MARINES, or SEA CADET youth organization if you cannot keep your uniform maintained.

PO3 Jackson
United Stated Naval Sea Cadet Corps

Well well, I can't say that I didn't expect something like this from you...

I think I'll let a few other people deal with this. For the time being, I don't think i could handle it correctly, and ultimately, I don't even know where to start...

SureShot223 said:
Yeah I have heard of it. I see these guys that walk around school with their CAP unifroms looking like sh*t, unbuttoned shirts, unironed tops and bottoms, unpolished footwear, and crooked covers. That makes me mad when people make themselves look bad because you make everyone else look bad. EVERYONE who does this, you know who you are. And know this: You are a disgrace to not only yourself, but your squad, your platoon, and your company or division. I think that you should not be allowed to be a JROTC, CAP, YOUNG MARINES, or SEA CADET youth organization if you cannot keep your uniform maintained.

PO3 Jackson
United Stated Naval Sea Cadet Corps

Well, I have seen Sea Cadet with the ribbons wrong, hair out of regs, just chit chatting with their buds making the USN look bad and their organization look even worse. Being in Civil Air Patrol and looking bad is not the organizations fault, its the units fault. So why don't you be a good cadet and do something about it regardless that it's not your organization. Ultamately you represent the same thing, US Military. I know that in my unit in NJ no one would ever wear their uniform in school or such unless they were with me as the ranking officer doing recruiting. You also would never see them looking that bad as you described. Must be the unit near you that is bad.

On the contrary I went to an airshow in Las Vegas where there was one Seamen Apprentice yelling and screaming at the cadets thinking he was so cool. He uniform was sub-standard and thats giving him a complement. I have seen worse Sea Cadets in my day then I have CAP cadets. Sorry about your outlook, we'll fix our situation but you need to look at yours before criticizing.

Cadet Major Elliott Korona, CAP
Former National Cadet Advisory Council Member
Whoa, :shock: cadets take it easy. Well, who would want to wear their CAP uniform to school in the first place anyway. Isn't there some kind of rule that says if a cadet wears his or her own uniform to school would be dismissed from his or her squadron? I not sure but I read it somewhere in the manuel. If one wears the uniform, there are certain responsiblities one has to hold. Anyone in the uniform represents everyone in the services.
cadetgirl10 said:
Isn't there some kind of rule that says if a cadet wears his or her own uniform to school would be dismissed from his or her squadron? I not sure but I read it somewhere in the manuel.

No. However the Uniform Manual says that the uniform may not be worn for more than one hour prior to/after a meeting/event with the exception of travel time. Also, you may not wear your uniform to a Non-CAP function.
SARboy229 said:
cadetgirl10 said:
Isn't there some kind of rule that says if a cadet wears his or her own uniform to school would be dismissed from his or her squadron? I not sure but I read it somewhere in the manuel.

No. However the Uniform Manual says that the uniform may not be worn for more than one hour prior to/after a meeting/event with the exception of travel time. Also, you may not wear your uniform to a Non-CAP function.

But yuo can wear it to school if it is ok with the Sq. Commander and the Principal for recruiting
USAFAUX2004 said:
SARboy229 said:
cadetgirl10 said:
Isn't there some kind of rule that says if a cadet wears his or her own uniform to school would be dismissed from his or her squadron? I not sure but I read it somewhere in the manuel.

No. However the Uniform Manual says that the uniform may not be worn for more than one hour prior to/after a meeting/event with the exception of travel time. Also, you may not wear your uniform to a Non-CAP function.

But yuo can wear it to school if it is ok with the Sq. Commander and the Principal for recruiting

This would constitute a CAP activity. As long as a form 31 is filled out for the recruiting it is an activity where that means you can wear the uni.

Gorfour20 said:
SureShot223 said:
Yeah I have heard of it. I see these guys that walk around school with their CAP unifroms looking like sh*t, unbuttoned shirts, unironed tops and bottoms, unpolished footwear, and crooked covers. That makes me mad when people make themselves look bad because you make everyone else look bad. EVERYONE who does this, you know who you are. And know this: You are a disgrace to not only yourself, but your squad, your platoon, and your company or division. I think that you should not be allowed to be a JROTC, CAP, YOUNG MARINES, or SEA CADET youth organization if you cannot keep your uniform maintained.

PO3 Jackson
United Stated Naval Sea Cadet Corps

Well, I have seen Sea Cadet with the ribbons wrong, hair out of regs, just chit chatting with their buds making the USN look bad and their organization look even worse. Being in Civil Air Patrol and looking bad is not the organizations fault, its the units fault. So why don't you be a good cadet and do something about it regardless that it's not your organization. Ultamately you represent the same thing, US Military. I know that in my unit in NJ no one would ever wear their uniform in school or such unless they were with me as the ranking officer doing recruiting. You also would never see them looking that bad as you described. Must be the unit near you that is bad.

On the contrary I went to an airshow in Las Vegas where there was one Seamen Apprentice yelling and screaming at the cadets thinking he was so cool. He uniform was sub-standard and thats giving him a complement. I have seen worse Sea Cadets in my day then I have CAP cadets. Sorry about your outlook, we'll fix our situation but you need to look at yours before criticizing.

Cadet Major Elliott Korona, CAP
Former National Cadet Advisory Council Member

Ok Major, answer me on this: You are not in the Sea Cadets so how would you know if the ribbons are wrong. You said that the cadets were chit chatting with their buds making the Navy look bad. Well for one, there is nothing wrong with communicating and we are not in the Navy so how were they making the Navy look bad. I mean they are clearly wearing the USNSCC flasher. Just like you said its the units fault, not the organizations, so you are in no position to be saying that they are making the organization look worse than they present themselves. And you are right, I represent the US Military, that is why I get so mad when people disrespect the uniform. You also represent the military and I think that it is pathetic that you are only mad about Sea Cadet uniforms. I get mad at Sea Cadets also when their uniforms are unsatisfactory also and I correct it. The CAP should have some of their cadets look in a mirror and see what they look like. I went with my brother once to see what the CAP was like and I didnt undermine them untill I saw what their organization was really like. When I left, I could not believe that there was an organization that played hide and go seek for PT, where the officers and NCOs walked around in gas masks to make themselves look like enemies. I mean they drill at a school! It struck me funny that the cadets that had just joined marched better than the cadets and officers that had been in for years. You mentioned the SA screaming at the cadets ''thinking he was cool." What, do you read minds? He was most likely carrying out diciplinary actions, unlike the CAP not being able to order their cadets to do push-ups. The Sea Cadets have to go to boot camp before they are actually Sea Cadets and it is no weekend drill. It is Marines in your face for 2-3 weeks where you are taught to maintain yourself and you do real PT. Tell me the CAP does that. And I might add, it is no easy task. The cadets that you saw were probably cadets that have not been to boot camp and are just learning the ropes. Don't get me wrong, I dont hate the CAP. If you are interested in the Air Force and stuff like that then stick with it and there is nothing wrong with that. But if you dont have the will to present yourself in a professional manner, including maintenence of uniforms, then you need to reconsider yourself, and that goes to all youth military cadets.

PO3 Jackson
CAP may lack in discipline at some squadrons. But we do have one thing that we kick a** in, SAR missions. As well as, Ranger Teams are the second choice for supervision of ground search teams. Right after Air Force Para rescue jumpers. Along with the CAP Ranger Teams are: Army, Navy, and Air Force explosive ordinance (EOD) teams, Navy sea-air-land (SEAL) teams. Don't generalize an entire organization, that has two submarine kills, can the Sea Cadets claim that?, on just one squadron.

unlike the CAP not being able to order their cadets to do push-ups.
Says who? CAP can't order a cadet to do push ups as a punishment A.K.A. hazing. I guess you've never heard of designated PT time now have you?

With the whole making the Navy look bad. Those who have never heard of the Naval Sea Cadets may not be able to tell the difference between a cadet and a real seaman. Just like those who have never heard of the CAP may mistake us for Soldiers, or Airmen when in Blues.

Just like you said its the units fault, not the organizations, so you are in no position to be saying that they are making the organization look worse than they present themselves
Neither are you about CAP, contradiction is playing a role here I do believe.

If you wish to continue please PM me till the cows come home. Till then, I bid you good day my fine sir.

Dude back of the Major. I know a lot of Sea cadets because we do stuff together and yes i do know how the Uniform and ribbons should look. And as for the CAP unit you saw, I have no words. yes there are units like the one you described. I myself saw a fresh Lieutenant drilling worse than me at an NCO Academy (and he was on staff) If you went to our squadron you would see that we are a well organized and well disciplined group.

And about the SA who was yelling, "carrying out disciplinary actions" How can an E-1 do all of that? what kind of discipline can someone new carry out?

"unlike the CAP not being able to order their cadets to do push-ups."
well we do not order Push-ups because it is hazing and only do them for PT. And my cadets ALL do them without saying a word when told.

"The Sea Cadets have to go to boot camp before they are actually Sea Cadets and it is no weekend drill. It is Marines in your face for 2-3 weeks where you are taught to maintain yourself and you do real PT."
We have Encampments where we learn about CAP and where we do PT. And whats with REAL PT? I DK of any FAKE PT, do you? Last time I checked the Sea cadets Follow the Navy not the Marines so theres no 2-3 weeks marines in your face.

"Well for one, there is nothing wrong with communicating and we are not in the Navy so how were they making the Navy look bad. I mean they are clearly wearing the USNSCC flasher."
Communication, no theres nothing wrong with it, but its the way people lead those that can be bad conduct. If I see a cadet Cussing I take him to the side and explain to him that unless he wants to get kicked from the program he should stop swearing in uniform.

And for the record you are the navy, you wear the uniform and you follow the customs and the patch doesn't say much to a person who does not know any thing specific, but may know the uniform.
Didnt you read that I said that we clearly wear insignia that states we are the Sea Cadets. (On both shoulders) Yeah and you really kick A** at SAR missions....NOT. Thats why when everyone hears your name they think of young people flying in cessnas. I think your organization is a joke but I dont hate it. The Sea Cadets has way more benefits and gets you in the military as a higher rank out of boot camp and has been around to train highly effective military personell longer than the CAP can ever imagine. In the meantime, have fun thinking you are important.

PO3 Jackson
SureShot223 said:
Didnt you read that I said that we clearly wear insignia that states we are the Sea Cadets. (On both shoulders) Yeah and you really kick A** at SAR missions....NOT. Thats why when everyone hears your name they think of young people flying in cessnas. I think your organization is a joke but I dont hate it. The Sea Cadets has way more benefits and gets you in the military as a higher rank out of boot camp and has been around to train highly effective military personell longer than the CAP can ever imagine. In the meantime, have fun thinking you are important.

PO3 Jackson

Ok lets take it up a bit shall we? patches DO NOT matter to Civvies who DK who the hell you are. And we do rule at SAR.We are not a joke and we also get great Military benifits, but that is the last thing on a cadets mind. I joined because it is a great org. not because i can be an E-3
Ok USAFAUX have you been to our boot camp? I dont think so. So how and the He** would you know if there are no marines there. There were and it was an "in your face training," something you flyboys would know nothing about. And you should study your ranks because a Seaman Apprentice is not an E-1. In the Sea Cadets, we use the Chin in Command where the higher ranking man orders a person under his command. The SA was probably the cadet in charge of the detail. Get with the program. It takes harder work to get promoted in the Sea Cadets than the CAP. Tell me your PT standards and I will tell you mine and you will know what real PT is.

PO3 Jackson
If you flyboys cannot tell who the Sea Cadets are, then how did you know that that SA was a Sea Cadet. I bet you cannot even tell a PO1 from a SA. If you know the ribbons so well, answer this: Put the following ribbons in order of importance from least to highest:
Unit Citation Ribbon
Marksmanship Ribbon
1st year Ribbon
Indivual Citation Ribbon
Cadet of the Year Ribbon

PO3 Jackson
USAFAUX2004 was talking about civilians A.K.A. civvies. Remember arrogance gets you no where here. And, arrogance is liked by no one. What did I say about generalizations?
Thats why when everyone hears your name they think of young people flying in cessnas
Go and ask EVERYONE what they think of when they hear Civil Air Patrol.
Have you even witnessed CAP at work when on a SAR mission? We take that seriously, even if it may just be an ELT. We save lives, and that is why we do ES missions. After the WTC attacks, CAP planes where up and flying over DC and Ground Zero.

Flyboys, wow that's original, wish I thought of that. The chances of CAP cadets getting his/her wings are slim at best.
You still haven't clarified what "real" PT is. I haven't heard of fake PT either.
If you don’t mind lets go back to the Flyboys part. If I’m not mistaken I do believe that is an insult. Remember this as well, "The arrogant (or over-confident) army will lose the battle for sure."
Wasn't the Naval Sea Cadets founded in 1958? And wasn't CAP founded in 1941? Yeah the Sea Cadets, “Has been around to train highly effective military personell longer than the CAP can ever imagine.” If my math is correct the difference between the two is seventeen years. And seventeen years is almost two decades right? Yeah the USNSCC sure has trained highly effective military personnel longer then CAP has. You as well can think you are "important". For CAP shall continue to grow, save lives, train vastly valuable military personnel, and make the world a better place. By the way, next time you get lost out in the woods, you’ll be over whelmed to see blue name taps on woodland camouflage.

:offtopic: Next time you try to insult CAP, work on your grammar and spelling. And USAFAUX2004 you should work on yours as well. Mine may not be perfect, but I'm working on it. Also SureShot223, if we were to meet you better hope that you don’t cross my path when I’m out of uniform. Because to me you’re just another arrogant fool shooting his mouth off.