your hometown

FutureRANGER said:
wow... 60 people. Where I live there are 3,000,000.

The state of California is really messed up. 60 ppl up north and 3,000,000 down south and the numbers just keep growing down here. The houses cost way to much in my city...a nice 4 bedroom house costs nearly to over a million bucks.
well im from boston, the heart of red sox nation. we have our own evil empire to fight against up here... ;)
My hometown? Oh, man.. You all will laugh about it. Well, since I live in Sweden we use ÅÄÖ in our letters. So the name of my town is named Fotskäl and is a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiny little one.

We don't even have a gas station and we only have a small shop where to buy food and stuff. If you want to buy other food somewhere else it's almost ½-1 hour drive from there. Doesn't sound much of a distance, but if you saw it you would know.

How many people lives there then? Hmm.. Let me check on the internet..

*Goes looking*

Ok, Now don't pee in you pants of laughter or something. But the little town is populate with 196 people living their.

When I lived there we had cattle as well. Don't know what type of cattle though, but know they were tame as hell and they was calm when we rode on them as kids. Fun times there was..

We had actually all kinds of animals.. Chickens, Cats, Dogs, Birds, Parrots, Fishes, Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Pigs, A goat´.. Err.. And problaby some wild animals between all that.

Anyways, Fotskäl is famour for it's icehockey place. Well, you know, the place where they fill the floorwith ice and such. Doesn't know the english word and I can't find it in the dictionary. :?

So yeah, the boring place on earth. Though I love to have grown up on a deserted place like that.

I have moved from the place, but not so far away from it. I live in Kinna now, maybe 45 minutes away from there.

I think that covers almost everything up. Lol
home town

my home is yancannia station near a little mining place called white cliffs. its roughly about 1000+kms from sydney in nsw. Opal mining and the occasional tourist is still the main income of a lot of ppl in the town. had to move to make schooling easier. but i still like going there from time to time:)

and no we didn't ride kangaroos, couldn't get the saddles to fit;) hehe
one of the best things about being out there was all the animals that you could see such as goannas, eagles and emus (yummy eggs).

worst thing about being there was having to drive long distances to get to the nearest town, the bigest was broken hill which was a few hours away.

when we left there went to live on a sheep station near a place called Narrandera. which was a lot closer to civilisation:)
I was born in S.Giusta , small town ( 5,000 people ) on the western coast of Italian island of Sardinia. Our famous church dates back to the year 1100 AD and some people still live from fishing activities on the lagoon.
The majority of them have never left the area. Its quite a friendly place where people tend to be simple, talkative, and a little bit ( very ) backward.
Its a strong-values-town, where the elsewhere strong leftist parties never really hit it: centerright parties usually get 60 % of the votes and left winging ones around 30% ( we have some independent parties ).
My dad is deputy mayor and his best friend is the mayor.
I'll show you some pics of the beaches:

And this is the church and our historical regatta
I was born in S.Giusta , small town ( 5,000 people ) on the western coast of Italian island of Sardinia. Our famous church dates back to the year 1100 BC and some people still live from fishing activities on the lagoon.
The majority of them have never left the area. Its quite a friendly place where people tend to be simple, talkative, and a little bit ( very ) backward.
Its a strong-values-town, where the elsewhere strong leftist parties never really hit it: centerright parties usually get 60 % of the votes and left winging ones around 30% ( we have some independent parties ).
My dad is deputy mayor and his best friend is the mayor.
I'll show you some pics of the beaches:

And this is the church and our historical regatta
"Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it".
Heaven on earth!!!
:shock: :shock: :shock: !!!


Oh mama.. Sunbathing.. White beaches..

Maybe I should even move down there? :D

No.. Wait.. I am more into moving to South Carolina if so. 8)
Stockton, CA. I am about 50 miles south of Sacramento... I think the population here is roughly around 250,000... At least i think... ill have to check that out...
My home town is Sunset Beach in Waterport, NY. It's right on the edge of lake ontario...directly across from Toronto. It's small.....and I would sit and watch the sunset at night in the summer on the beach there. Most of the homes around that area are all summer cottages with maybe a dozen families that lived there year round. *reminices* I miss it alot, I now live with the g-rents and it's in the woods, called Springwater, NY. That's about an hour south of Rochester. I hate it's all moutainous and creepy at night as well as dangerous in the winter.
Home Town

I grew up in a very small town in Western Tennessee called Atwood. Nice place, not a lot to do there but still love it.

I currently live in Ft. Payne, Alabama. For those who listen to country music and know the group Alabama, Ft. Payne is where they are from. Very beautiful place. It is also known as the "Sock Capital of the World!" because there are a boat-load of mills and little sock making places there.


Detroit, Michigan. The US's own personal war zone. Moved to Milwaukee as fast as I could, been here 10 years now. Not much nicer, but a little less violent.
Born in Gutersoh, Germany. Moved to England, first to Wiltshire then on to Hampshire, Middlesex, London, Essex, Wales, back to Essex, Staffordshire, Licolnshire, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, North Yorkshire, East Yorkshire and am now in the city of Leeds in West Yorkshire.

Hoping not to move much more - I'm only 30 yrs old and am heartily sick of having no roots!! :(
Just realised that I've not really answered the question in this thread (sorry :oops: )

Leeds is one of the bigger cities in Yorkshire, in the north of England. Used to be quite industrial, but relies more on commerce, now. A good place to visit for places of interest, such as The Royal Armouries and other museums, manor houses, parks and gardens, theatres, the football stadium (Leeds United aren't doing too well right now!) and the Rugby stadium (C'mon you Rhinos!!).

Crime is about average - we've got our fair share of drug-crime, although this year, we've had a couple of coopers shot dead, which is pretty much unheard of in Leeds, or in Britain as a whole, so it quite shocked us locally.

I'm quite happy here. The ladies range from utterly shocking bushpigs to sublimely gorgeous (my wife Jo being a case in point - beautiful! ;) )

Plenty of great ale-houses, clubs etc, although there are quite a few gay bars masquerading as ordianry run-of-the-mill pubs :shock:

I'd recommend a visit, anyway, troops! :camo:
cool, it's nice to see or read about others hometowns,


My hometown (not where i live now but where i'm originally from)is a small french Acadian village in New Brunswick, we have one gas station, one church, an elementery school and one corner store, total population about 933. The closest town is about a 10 minute drive.The houses are far enough apart that you don't need to worry about how loud your playing your music, we have farms and everyone knows each other, almost all my relatives still live there. It's a pretty boring place for a teen, so there is a fair bit of crime due to boredom :P

I come from Indianapolis IN. Large city not sure of pop but i'm sure its over a million. We have the indy 500 the NFL colts and the NBA Pacers, both good teams that always choke in finals :( We are very serious about our basketball here, American basketball was started in Indiana somewhere cant remember where exactly. It can be a warzone in some areas and extremely rich in others like any other large American city. Gary IN is 4 hours north of here which was the murder capitol of the world at one time. The weather is about as varied as it gets, it can be
-30f in winter and 110f in summer. I love my city and wouldn't dream of living anywhere else :)