You Gotta Love Berlusconi/Italy


Active member
Thu May 20, 6:18 PM ET
ROME (AFP) - Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi strongly defended Italy's military presence in Iraq (news - web sites), slamming the opposition for demanding a withdrawal from the US-led coalition and accusing them of serving the interests of the "enemies of democracy".

"Italy will remain in Iraq and remain faithful to its military objectives for peace as long as the armed gangs are not defeated", he told parliament.

"Italy considers that it is its duty and its honor to remain to the very end at the side of those who defend the United Nations (news - web sites) Charter in Iraq," said Berlusconi, a day after talks with US President George W. Bush (news - web sites) in Washington.
You guys weren't really sure about it ? Well as long as our cool prime minister stays in office, Italy will not leave Iraq nor will it betray its allies.
Honestly, how often do you hear a politician address the issue of what is the honorable thing for his country to do? It's nice to see every once in awhile. ;)
Redneck said:
Looks like a pretty cheerful guy. :D

He is the best. But let's stop this or they'll say we're going too far I guess. There must be a mod rule saying to not congratulate too much with someone. In case I'm afraid we've just infringed it. lol
Well you see many politicians care only for the power personal or countries one.Most of the politicians are subjective in some mathers like war for example and thats how war develops.In this case Berlusconi is sticking to the UN agreement which is a rare thing today,fearsome he stands for the couses of UN and defend it's goals,and that is whant makes him a good politician on the one hand,on the other hand between people of italy he may not be a favorite character.He may easely lose his position if pacifistic oposition gets the majority if the people.In short good decision but risky for his political position.
Marksman said:
Well you see many politicians care only for the power personal or countries one.Most of the politicians are subjective in some mathers like war for example and thats how war develops.In this case Berlusconi is sticking to the UN agreement which is a rare thing today,fearsome he stands for the couses of UN and defend it's goals,and that is whant makes him a good politician on the one hand,on the other hand between people of italy he may not be a favorite character.He may easely lose his position if pacifistic oposition gets the majority if the people.In short good decision but risky for his political position.

You are one smart fellow, Marksman. I'm serious. I'm surprised how young you are and still updated and cunning smart. Correct, he is a great man. Unfortunately if the pacifist oppositions ( same people who actually waged war against Belgrade without any UN approval in 1998 ) eventually come to power. We'll have political elections in 2006.
Thanks,well you see if if oposition wins in 2006,it ain't gonna be good.As first italy will retraeat from middle east in any way,second you will encounter new order in italy(i really dont know who's oposition now)and after that the events are unpredictable,and if berlusconi wins,well thats a diferent story.He is playing on all or nothing,a little bit risky :lol:
Like I have said before, if you are going to make a claim (including an opinion) you MUST state your reasons (same for refuting such a claim), otherwise a DISCUSSION is nearly impossible.

If the repeat offenders do not rectify this immediately, I will start showing them some special attention.

Thank you.
Snauhi said:
Berlusconi wont sitt there for long i think

Ok Suomi what are you talking about ? You are someway saying we are some sort of a Third World country where govt's are easily subject to collapse out of elections ?
Why would our prime minister be next to his fall? What ground do you provide for your statements? He has 100 more representatives than the oppositions have. So please just gimme a break man.
In case you meant he will fall after 2006 election, well you must be a kind of foreseeing wizard, then.

And nope, Marksman, I would not say Berlusconi is playing 'all or nothing '. He is simply doing the right thing at the right moment. Which is always the hardest choice.

Thanks RN.
He supports Iraq war, and if u see that its lot of people against the war in USA so think, how much it is in Italy
Snauhi said:
He supports Iraq war, and if u see that its lot of people against the war in USA so think, how much it is in Italy

Thats for sure, but the majority of polled Italians do not agree with the troops withdrawal. But what s that got to do with Berlusconi ' not lasting very long ' ? He will be governing for a couple more yrs at least. We dont have elections until then.