YetiSports.. Coolest online game ever.. :)

With bounce: 320.8
Without bounce: 207.6
Total: 1327.7

Best: 96.4
Total: 607.5

Thanks, Redleg, now I'm addicted. :lol:
Other things you can try in YetiSports 1 are:

Try to land on 200m (I've hit 199.9 and 200.1.... Arggghhhh... :x )
Shortest distance with and without bounce...

Enjoy :D
This is way too addictive.
I posted the link in a homeschooling forum, and it went down for a few hours because the admins were too addicted to care about fixing it. :roll:
I try to limit my time, so the best I got was:
with bounce...321.9
without bounce 206.3
(i landed on 200.0 once too) :D
I got 563 total on part 2, and 93.8 as my best.