wut do u think of canadian army

how is canadain army

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  • not good

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canada is a pretty strange country.. a proud coutnry with a small army

i am living in canada now and i 'd like to see wut ppl's opiion on Canadian army
Well, considering what it has to do(nothing) its OK, but I dout it would fare well against any other western army.
I lived in Canada from 1992 to 1993, I remember the population was not much more than the population of Taiwan. So maybe for the population, their military is enough. Besides, they don't really have any enemy. The US, Canada's only neighbor, is highly unlikely to carry out an invasion. I guess they never felt the need to have a strong military force.
Right, that's their cowardy/hypocrisy, in my view.
Everybody here knows that I love Canada, I have lived there and had friends and a chick, so you know I don't mean to offend anyone.
I speak rough at times, just like when I call Europe coward.
But what I mean is that Canadians don't think they need a stronger army only because they're exploiting the US bases and coverage.
That's a bit hypocritical.
We have some of the best trained pilots and soldiers in the world. The only problem is equipment, which is improving. The aging Sea King is finally being replaced with the Sikorsky CH-148 Cyclone http://www.airforce.forces.gc.ca/equip/ch-148/intro_e.asp. Not, to mention, some brilliant inventions such as CADPAT. The Canadian army primarily focuses on Peacekeeping missions (Kosovo, Afghanistan, Cypress, Democratic Republic of the Congo), as well as humanitarian aid.
I think they do what they do very well. I've trained with the Canadian Forces and the ones I worked with (Army) were all good people.
most of you guys might not know that canadians have fought some of the toughest battles in ww1 and ww2, and if i might not be mistaken the canadians also beated the yanks bcak in the days when they came up to york.(toronto)

yes canada is lacking and our army isn;t parall with our economic status.
yes i also aree that we are leeching off the americans for our security.
however, Canadians is much more liberal then the USA we want to do what the UN mandates, and we dont have any enemies, and if we dollow the USA every move we minds as well become the 51st state
NgoDinhdiem said:
most of you guys might not know that canadians have fought some of the toughest battles in ww1 and ww2, and if i might not be mistaken the canadians also beated the yanks bcak in the days when they came up to york.(toronto)

Yup. Vimy Ridge to name one. That defined Canada as a tough fighting force. And yes, it was the War of 1812 that we defeated the U.S. Of course they deny it. (Say what you want, godofthunder. It still doesn't make it so!) There's been a big discussion about it on here.
canadian army really really need more resources...

just last week something..news says canadian army's 500 jeeps in afgannistan all got cracks something...cheat equipments again..just like those thrid-hand subs bought from brtian..killed one man..