woudln't like to be this guy!

If you ,or if not you, but others want`s to feel responsible for the mess insurgents have caused in Iraq I guess you are welcome to. I dont think there are to many people that miss Saddam Husseins rule of terror anymore then the people that after he was lifted away - likes to see their homes, their loved ones killed by so called Insurgents that aren´t doing anything else then destabilising that country. I dont see anything that would help the Iraqis forward in those cowardly acts carried out by terrorists and those who support there kind of warfair against civilian, political, military targets.

The war is over - More people should join up to explain this for terrorists down there instead of encouraging them to continue this slaughter on innocent civilians and other targets that actually would help that country to rebuilt itselfe from a 30 year old dictatorial ruling. Yes there are things in this world that have made these terrorists kill other people, that is very true. But If they just ceased to kill innocent people there would not be much reason for them to fight this made up war anymore.

And that is what`s frightening them the most, including those who support this type of slaughter. That is something I think more advertisors and news agencys and peace organisations would spell out more clearly to the world. And if I sounded acrimonious and sarcastic you should take a look on the net for a day and just see what these people around us are telling the world. I think that the victims of the Tsunami and all that helps out down there have proven - Included the United States Of America that there is something good with the west and the way of trying to make this world a better place for everyone, tell that to the terrorists that are only trying to protect their sick way of living to justify there own specialty - Killing, Slaughter, making the west look bad and giving those who support dictatorships all over the world something to warm their cold hearts over before they eventually will have to eat it themselfes.

And I know that a coin have two sides, but it also has a dark and a light side depending on wich team you are playing in. And I know that a coin also have edges that can be hard to see for them that dont want to see and cast all guilt on one big object.

Its all about power every one wants it for them selfs and doesn't want to share it.

Back to the picture that guy is lucky to be alive the IP's i know would of shot him on the spot and i know some americans who would of shot him on the spot , the american justice system is a beauty. When i left standing brigade sop was to kill any one placing IED's If they where in the act when we discovered them.

I hope there were alot of camel crossing on the way back to the detention center muahaha drivers revenge.
While browsing through this topic I noticed a fine quote (chewie_nz).".... i don't support or believe in terroism as an end, BUT i can see where these people might be coming from. i thought, hey what if country X invaded my country, would i fight? yes i probably would. " Hopefully most of us would agree to do the same thing. Of course, fighting in the defense of one's own country and murdering and then saying its for your cause is something different. For example, take Russia during World War 2. The people there either took up arms as part of the military forces, or if one was too old, young, or had some other problem that precluded regular service they took part in the Partisan forces. These people didn't attempt to go to Germany and suicide bomb civilians. They attempted to disrupt the enemy behind his lines. That is a viable solution for defense of one's own nation. If one decided to attack or derail enemy supply movements in a subversive manner, its okay as long as it is a military target. Blowing shit up in the middle of markets is a whole different matter.