Well, I think it's about time you guys get a look at the guy from the other side of the spectrum.
I am a Muslim. My name is Radwan. In Arabic that means "Defender".
My surprise at this forum's reaction to the Middle East and how they think we'll all just get up and fight them is amazing. I don't want to say it, but I feel as though there are a lot of people here who WANT this to happen. Just want a chance to kill a few Arabs and then walk away and have a few beers later and laugh about it. I don't understand.
Granted, if America began fighting with another Muslim country. (Near and around Israel, not Iran. As Iran is Shiite Muslim and they are crazy, as you can obviously see from their leader Ahmadinejad) There would be much bloodshed over this. Every single time that Muslims ever hear or see foreign influence invading one of their countries. They shake, they have fear. Why? Because, what happened so many hundreds of years ago? What happened?
I'll tell you what happened. The Crusades were going on. And many Muslims were killed. Many were murdered in the streets. In one of the early crusades, people were torn to peices for the thought that they had swallowed Gold Coins to keep from their enemies. So you ask me, what does this matter? Well I'll tell you why. These stories have been passed down of the horrors of the West. How the Europeans have done so much damage to the Muslims.
This is why every time that the Muslims hear about an American invasion, they become fearful. Then angry. You cannot blame us for feeling odd about America. You have to understand this from a cultural view too.
So if Israel invaded another Muslim country, there would be bloodshed. And lots of it. This would not be accepted by the Muslim community. There would be massive fighting. Especially if a religious site were to be descecrated. I must admit, if I was there, and there were enemies marching down my street and were invading my country and I were in that military. I would fight. I would fight like no tommorow. These people, invading MY country? Yeah well I've got two words for you, and they are coming from my gun. POW POW.
I have nothing against America. My dad served in their military. I love this place. Israel? Yes. That is Palestinian land. That was taken from them. If you wanna be fair about giving them back their land? Give them back everything. Don't want to do that? Then cut Jarusalem in half. Give us our part, you take your part.
p.s. Inshallah you will all come away from my post understanding a bit more about the situation in the Middle East. Oh and I almost forgot. No, there wouldn't be a unification. Not unless a religious site had been descecrated. Then you would have a serious problem.