Why do we do what we do?


Active member
This is to those who have joined, are in, or have served in their nations military.

Why is it that civilians seem so ungrateful for what we do? Ever since I joined the Army the two questions I am asked most commonly are (1) Why would you throw your life away by joining the military? and (2) You do know you are going to die right?

Why the h*** would someone ask a question like that? Is it only American's who are that ungrateful or is it a worldwide problem or is it just the people in my area who are like that?

We are risking our lives so they can live comfortable, happy lives without having to fear for their safety, so they can work 40 hours a week and then enjoy their weekends, go on a picnic with their family without having to fear about a terrorist in the car next to them suddenly blowing himself up and taking them with him. Do they not realise that it is the select few, men and women like those who are members of this forum, making the sacrifices for the majority.

I oppose almost all forms of socialism and communism, but I do believe that everyone should pull their own weight, contribute to society and to the greater good of God and Country. One of my friends who gives me the most guff has no clue what he is gonna do after graduation in six months. He may or may not go to college, he is smart enough, but I think he has gotten to used to mooching off his parents, of as he says it, "Cashing in on the $6,000 they owe me from when I had a job." He only had a job for one month, not near long enough to earn that much money, and they were the one's who raised him, that is expensive. He thinks nothing of taking $300 from his parents, I do not even like accepting $5 from my mom to go to Subway.

I am pro-draft, I feel that military service can teach people a lot, not to mention the fact that everyone could use a good *ss kicking every now and then to remind them that they are not the center of the universe.

So, what do you guys think? Or is this not an issue for you? Do you come from areas where people in the military are given their due respect? If so then tell me where you live, I may just move there.

I'm not joining for those purposes. I'm there to go to war/die honorably... Yeah, I know, it probaly won't happen though ;)
battery said:
I'm not joining for those purposes. I'm there to go to war/die honorably... Yeah, I know, it probaly won't happen though ;)
Do you want to die?
I think you're joining for the wrong reasons.
I was asked the same question by my girlfriend, and an ex-gf, and a few of my friends. For some reason they think that just because you join you want to die or something like that. I told them it has more to do with loving my country and wanting to protect our ideals and way of life. I feel like I owe those veterans before me something also. They've done so much, and I only hope that while serving I could compare to what they've done already. The possibility of death is always there, but that isn't exactly a top concern on my list of things to worry about while serving. I'm more concerned about doing my job correctly to prevent someone back home from getting killed, or someone out in the field from getting killed.
"Why is it that civilians seem so ungrateful for what we do? Ever since I joined the Army the two questions I am asked most commonly are (1) Why would you throw your life away by joining the military? and (2) You do know you are going to die right?"

It is just only a matter of fashion. Usually most of people to disagree are communists or somekind world saver hippies. Common people took it just positive and when travelling in late evening trains wearing military clothes, always got some company and few beers offered, and stories about being military in 60s, 70s or 80s 8)

"I oppose almost all forms of socialism and communism"

So do i. Just can't accept them. Only good thing coming from somekind socialism is free education for all. That causes only good things like literacy 100%, less dumb people, free high quality university studies and right to study as long as ever wants to. No hurry to anywhere 8)
I wouldn't say that everyone who opposes the military are hippies. Sometimes they are just misinformed about the job of many of the soldiers. They see it as throwing your life away because they don't understand what the military can give an individual, and not just materialisitcally. Not to mention some of those people concerned over you dying could very well care about you and wouldn't want you dead.

I have yet to run into a stranger that has come straight out and tell me that joining the military is a death wish and a waste of life. I'd take that as rude, especially since they didn't know anything about me.
"They see it as throwing your life away because they don't understand what the military can give an individual, and not just materialisitcally."

That is top typical because army pays less than civil companies. If working in military or having a career. That, because military life isn't as comfortable as civilian life. I prefer its much easier to just live and do what ever wants to.

"I have yet to run into a stranger that has come straight out and tell me that joining the military is a death wish and a waste of life. I'd take that as rude, especially since they didn't know anything about me."

Here i have never encountered such like that. Only encouragement and respect. Service abroad is also a benefit when seeking a job. Civil service usually only causes problems to get employed. No one tolerates a lazy hippie in work 8)
the_13th_redneck said:
Guys, don't expect your work to be appriciated.

True enough. A lot of the people here in Saint-Jean don't appreciate the CF. Plus, a lot of my friends asked me why I joined. All I said was that I wanted to serve my country. There were several other questions after that, such as: 'Why not serve in some other way?' and whatnot. I couldn't really explain why when they asked that one.

It's unfortunate how some civilians view the Military, but there's really nothing that we can do aside from either take it, or try to explain what we do. However, since a lot of people are very closed-minded, the latter choice proves very difficult.

Great post!

I am only 16 years old and I'll be turning 17 later this month. Today some guys from the 82nd Airborne that graduated from my school last year came in to talk to some of us about enlisting. After the meeting one of my friends asked my why I wanted to join. The way I see it, none of these other people are going to do it. If nobody fought for you earlier you would not be live peacefully in this glorious country of ours. Because of everybody in the military you are able to live in the highest living standards in human civilization. But whenever I talk to my friends the same questions always come up. Why are you throwing your life away? Do you want to die? Do you want to kill? I have tried many a time to explain it to people but they can never fully grasp why we serve.(in my case will serve) But to answer your question, it is not just where you live. Here in Chicago it is the exact same thing. People are ungrateful for what they have. We are fighting for them and all they can do is ridicule us. I am not really for a draft unless totally necessary. The reason for this is because we all have seen what happens when men and women that don't want to serve are forced to fight.(Vietnam) To sum up, no it is not just where you live that this happens.

All the people that so many people are fighting and dying for are also being ridiculed at the same time. When the guys from the 82nd were at my school today, while they were walking down the hall all people were saying was how stupid they were. They are fighting so that others can have a good life and many of them dont appreciate that.
Right and it will always be that way. What I had a question about was your use of "We" and "Us".

You don't serve for the respect of the people you defend. You serve because you believe and the respect of your fellow Marines, Soliders, Sailors or Airmen.
I think that the American people and their belief structure (and I know I'm generalizing, so don't take it as a universal truth) is paradoxical. We stand for freedom and yet, the original post is right, when you say proudly that you are joining the military people ask "now why would you go and do that?" "you've got a bright future ahead of you" "why waste your education on the military?" "you're so intelligent, you can do so much better...."'

I got so sick of these comments that I got to the point that I stopped telling people that I'm going to the military after completing my Master's degree. I just decided I didn't need all of their negativity and that my reasons for joining are very personal to me and no one would ever understand them. But then I realized, why hide it? I shouldn't care what people say and shouldn't hide my opinions for fear that people may criticize me. If right off the bat they don't understand that I'm trying to do something good for my country and for my people and contribute in whatever little way possible to the defense of our values here and abroad, then it's not worth my time to try to convince them.... But I will proudly continue to say that I am joining the United States Army.
catalinargonzalez said:
I think that the American people and their belief structure (and I know I'm generalizing, so don't take it as a universal truth) is paradoxical. We stand for freedom and yet, the original post is right, when you say proudly that you are joining the military people ask "now why would you go and do that?" "you've got a bright future ahead of you" "why waste your education on the military?" "you're so intelligent, you can do so much better...."'

I got so sick of these comments that I got to the point that I stopped telling people that I'm going to the military after completing my Master's degree. I just decided I didn't need all of their negativity and that my reasons for joining are very personal to me and no one would ever understand them. But then I realized, why hide it? I shouldn't care what people say and shouldn't hide my opinions for fear that people may criticize me. If right off the bat they don't understand that I'm trying to do something good for my country and for my people and contribute in whatever little way possible to the defense of our values here and abroad, then it's not worth my time to try to convince them.... But I will proudly continue to say that I am joining the United States Army.

Well put, see I do not have your writing abilities so I often have a harder time writing what I am trying to say, if I was standing face to face I would have no problem explaining my point to you guys, but since I am not standing face to face with you I have to do my best.

I did however managed to turn this around quite well the other day in class. All my classmates were freaking out about College, I was sitting there nice and smug while they are all panicky, sure, I was a little jealous that they were talking about going to University of Iowa as a fallback and Stanford as their primary choices (Iowa would be my first choice.) So I made the comment to one of my friends "I'm glad I am not smart, look at them freaking out over there, I already have my future taken care of." The teacher over heard this and asked me to explain, so I stood up and said proudly that I had joined the Army, she then asked me the question "So you can't be smart and join the Army?" I once again stood up and pointed to half the people in my class and said "According to them it was the stupidest choice I ever made, he said I am gonna be hit by a roadside bomb and she said I would be killing babies." They immediately when very red in the face and I enjoyed seeing them get lectured by the teacher (whom they all suck up to) and they all seemed to be pissed at me. But why do I care? I am doing something with my life why they panic about their future. Get this, they were the one's worried about college and on the day that our 11 page paper was due I was one of two people done. Oh the irony.
Well, as most of you know by now, I'm a civilian but always had the greatest respect for people serving in the military.

There are many of us out there! You guys, understandably, probably zero in on the bad stuff.

As 03 said, the disrespectful element will never change. How can civilians really understand if they have never "walked a mile" in a military persons boots.

I read a book recently about Aussie soldiers returning home at the end of the Great War. Apart from their families the general public didn't want to know them. People just wanted to forget about the war. Now we look back on these men as heroes/gods but not then.

I think the GI's returning to Stateside at the end of WW2 were not treated well regarding repatriation/jobs by the US Government. You guys would know more about this than me.

So military people are usually not treated well by the public and governments particularly after conflicts are dragging on or are over.

Why do I think you guys do it?

1. You're doing a professional job/career.

2. To serve your country.

3. Maybe to find something out about yourself.

4. To gain respect from and give respect to the people you serve with.

5. To form the greatest mateship (buddies) that you could ever have on
this earth!!

and plenty more you guys know about but I am not in the position to appreciate.

Anyway stick with it guys. Don't feel downcast. I'll fight for you guys any day.
Damien435 said:
Well put, see I do not have your writing abilities so I often have a harder time writing what I am trying to say, if I was standing face to face I would have no problem explaining my point to you guys, but since I am not standing face to face with you I have to do my best.

I did however managed to turn this around quite well the other day in class. All my classmates were freaking out about College, I was sitting there nice and smug while they are all panicky, sure, I was a little jealous that they were talking about going to University of Iowa as a fallback and Stanford as their primary choices (Iowa would be my first choice.) So I made the comment to one of my friends "I'm glad I am not smart, look at them freaking out over there, I already have my future taken care of." The teacher over heard this and asked me to explain, so I stood up and said proudly that I had joined the Army, she then asked me the question "So you can't be smart and join the Army?" I once again stood up and pointed to half the people in my class and said "According to them it was the stupidest choice I ever made, he said I am gonna be hit by a roadside bomb and she said I would be killing babies." They immediately when very red in the face and I enjoyed seeing them get lectured by the teacher (whom they all suck up to) and they all seemed to be pissed at me. But why do I care? I am doing something with my life why they panic about their future. Get this, they were the one's worried about college and on the day that our 11 page paper was due I was one of two people done. Oh the irony.

Well, it seems to me that you are indeed a very smart young man and you seem to have a better understanding of the fundamentals of life than do your classmates. I think in comparative and relative terms in this country in particular very few people really and truly understand why they are able to drive around in 40,000 dollar SUV's, carry a cellphone, go to the mall whenver they please to buy $60 dollar shirt at the Gap, the luxury of going out to Chili's on a friday night with a few friends and on top of that, have the freedom to voice their opinions about how bad they think our President is.

Sure, it's because of their hard work and our capitalist and democratic model and the rights granted to us by the Bill of Rights of our Constitution, BUT would they really have a Constitution to protect them, a Capitalist model that let's them go as far as their ambition takes them, and a Democratic model whereby they can speak freely about whatever their heart desires, IF the blood of so many before us hadn't been spilt to protect the intangible attributes of the values we stand for and the things just mentioned? The Answer is of course no. But people are always ungrateful and only in hindsight do they ever acknowledge the efforts and value of the men and women of our Armed Forces. It's just something we're going to have to deal with and continue to bear in our hearts and souls that we are doing something for a greater, more noble cause.