Whats your ultimate fantasy?

Has your fantasy/dream ever come true?

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Whats your ultimate fantasy/dream, and not the dirty ones people lol!!!!!

Is it funny? wierd? romantic?

Or can you think of one that a mate said?

Either way lets start the ball rolling and


LOL lets get right in htere...........................
Passing out for the Irish DF. Which I cant do because of asthme but I will before im 24.!!

And in college I pulled 13pints in 1min competion a record hasnt been beating!!
To crawl through the mud and throw it at people and wrestle in it and get it all over my face and do every damn thing one can do with a pile of mud has been my fantasy and it has come true on several occasions. The Marines are going to love me. And I am going to love mud.
Haveing some hard arse machine guns,lots of them,lots of belts of ammo and lots of target.............................and lots of beer and music :twisted:
Skinny said:
To kill Osama bin Laden with my bare hands.

I will pay good money to see that ;)

Since I decided to make the Army a career and I got married, my dreams have definately changed.

I give a lot of thought to what my life will be like when I am 45 and my kids (i don't have any yet) have grown up. I guess I just want to be able to look back at my life and say "you know what, those years weren't perfect, but I did a damn good job and I do not regret the things I have done."

SGT Doody
It would be me an a girl with an an... ohh!
Have a lot of success, $$$$$, :P Or somehow getting somthing that no one else can have.
Kind of a nerds fantasy, but...

I'd really like to go up on a shuttle mission or to the international space station. That would be rad.
No Trevor, your dream is cool. Dont give up, mine is more rediculous.
I would like to...uh...be president of the USA one day. I know it sounds far fetched, but I would love to lead my people one day. If not that, I would at least like to be a Governor of my home state NJ. But even that is a little unlikely, a conservative governor of New Jersey? :?:
To have my own platoon of infantry.... Only 14 months away and I'm there. Also to start my own succesful private security firm and buy my own house. Not too big a goal/fantasy. Keep them real i say.
To see Man city beat Man UTD 4-0 in Feb when I travell.

Whats the likely hood that they will change the game to sunday and I cant go?

now that would be worth a sight

never gonna happen though

and you're the 1st Irish City fan ive ever met
hmm...not really because i wanted to see the Yankees win their 27th World Series this year. well that wasn't really a dream type of situation. if you mean dream like a long term thing, which for me is getting to fly in combat for the military, then at the moment it's only a matter of time. but for those other sports dreams, girl dreams, etc. nothing has really come through. but i'll let you know if i win the lotto or something.

HA I'd love to have a butt naked Royal Marine in my bed and say....................I have never slept with a woman before................teach me what needs to be done..............

cus lets face it thats never gonna happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My biggest dream is to one day have Condoleezza Rice's job (Secretary of State). I'd really like a high political appointee position, but I'll settle for being elected to public office. But I seriously would like to contribute to the formulation of our foreign policy, and I think I'd be good at it, and being president is out of the question. Wasn't born here, just naturalized.... :?

Mod: no need to qoute nonsens!

Thats just stupid at end of day......................

Karma "What goes around comes around"