What was the last thing you Drank?

"Bhang" a preparation from leaves,flower buds of cannabis plant...or freshly ground hemp with water mixed with milk....yesterday for Holi festival.
shooter a mix of cold drinks with ice-cream at local ice cream parlour and a glass of sugarcane juice....but real thing in the evening today....
I had a glass of water.
A cup of Pur Arabica... served by a beautiful lady... ahich I had no chance to initiate contact..... on account my wife was with me...

I once went to a unisex hair salon and kept going deaf, then I realised the young lady who was cutting my hair kept sticking her 44D's in my ears. Boy was I tempted to turn my head and.........................erm never mind.
I once went to a unisex hair salon and kept going deaf, then I realised the young lady who was cutting my hair kept sticking her 44D's in my ears. Boy was I tempted to turn my head and.........................erm never mind.

Can I say that you were in Milk Haven...:read: