A Can of Man
Je suis aware
Jungle is absolute hell.
It's true. You have to cut off all your hair if you're going to be out there for a long time. Your head under the hair is the first thing to get very very stuffy and is a nice home for stuff that want to suck blood out the top of your head.. And yes, just by going out for a 15 minute trek will have leeches sucking on your ankles.
I solved this problem by wearing thick socks.
Not to mention the other bugs chewing bits off you.
Misery is a jungle. This is why in most jungle areas populations never got really large until recently. Also why in Southeast Asia, countries and kingdoms were defined by populations, not by lines on the ground.
It's true. You have to cut off all your hair if you're going to be out there for a long time. Your head under the hair is the first thing to get very very stuffy and is a nice home for stuff that want to suck blood out the top of your head.. And yes, just by going out for a 15 minute trek will have leeches sucking on your ankles.
I solved this problem by wearing thick socks.
Not to mention the other bugs chewing bits off you.
Misery is a jungle. This is why in most jungle areas populations never got really large until recently. Also why in Southeast Asia, countries and kingdoms were defined by populations, not by lines on the ground.