What do you think-

Stafford911 said:
I say f**k em. If they want to b**ch about how bad it is and ask for our help then complain about the manenr in which we help they dont deserve our aid.

Tone it down, Stafford. You do not need to be profane to make your point.
Battery and Stafford911 have a point though. There is so much whining whenever the United States does anything (makes no difference what), yet there is nobody else to step in and do what needs to be done. The UN is useless. The majority of the nations of Europe don't seem to want to involve themselves in anything until its too late to make any difference.

It begs the question "Why does the United States bother anymore if their help is so poorly received?" There have been cases where US intervention was probably questionable, but there has never been a case where one helluva a lot of non-Americans were grateful.
None of the generalizations apply to "everyone." But it's just more common in the US than most other places I been. That's what I mean. How can you say anything that's 100%? If you want 100% then you can throw all cultural studies out the window because it doesn't apply to 100% of everyone in that culture.

Plus, behavior of Americans not engaging in business, rather the arts will be significantly different. NOW NOW, not 100% but you know what I mean. People in Universities are different from people working in the dockyard etc. You know what I mean.

whosewar2000 said:
the_13th_redneck said:
It's America's way of doing things. Don't really blame them, they do it to each other like crazy.

There are lots knowledgable and friendly American over there, donot think your thought of "doing business" can represent every American.

I have lots American friends showing open-mind and responsibility for the world.
The more you know, the more you feel you are igorant, the more you feel humble and the more you feel responsible for the world from your action. (I am not saying you)