What are your suggestions for dealing with Fallujah?

I would start with Jesse Jackson and Sean Penn....
If they succeeds: kuddos!
If not, I am sure their live beheading would get a media coverage longer that 24 hours :lol: :lol:
I think that we should take out the whole thing. Get all of our people out of there. Drop nukes and turn all the sand into glass. Then we could see the oil easily and there would nobody left to bi*ch about anything. Once our people are out then there is no more innocents left. :rambo:
Sooners1 said:
I think that we should take out the whole thing. Get all of our people out of there. Drop nukes and turn all the sand into glass. Then we could see the oil easily and there would nobody left to bi*ch about anything. Once our people are out then there is no more innocents left. :rambo:

We aren't the only innocents over there. Our people and those with us come first, yes - but let's not get too clouded with hate.
Al Sadr and his militias are not loved by the Iraqis either and some of them (about 100) had the guts to march to his headquarters, confriont his gunmen and ask him to get the h--l out of there...
With or without our forces, he is eventually history...
But remember, their agenda is different...a cultural thing!
We are a fast paced society driven by short time goals like elections, polls...
They have a saying: sit next to the river and you will eventually see the corpse of your enemy float by!

They have plenty of time!!!
Eric said:
Al Sadr and his militias are not loved by the Iraqis either and some of them (about 100) had the guts to march to his headquarters, confriont his gunmen and ask him to get the h--l out of there...

How did that turn out?
Well...they made their point and got to survive it!!! Lucky Al Sadr cannot really afford to be shown slaughtering unarmed fellow Iraqis!
More might come and force him out too....we already heard of the assassinated militiamen...some people, presumed Iraqis, have taken pot shots at isolated Al Sadr men within the city...
I guess they are not so popular after all!!!
True....mainly because we still conduct a politically correct war!
Remember Israel and the Church of Nativity:
1- prevent any organization to visit the terrorists (and feed them)
2- snipers take a shot at everything that shows up at a window...

Funny how the "elite" of the PLO surrendered after a week!!!
They are only hardcore when it is about brainwashing teenagers into suicide bombings!
In your previous post you said it yourself: there are still poeple there that don't support the "bad guys" That's what makes it so difficult. Not to start another topic about the press, but if anyone gets killed there who may have been innocent, they'll still be broadcasting it in 2010.
I know...but a little regular 50 cal. sniping of whatever / whoever carries a weapon there would have some effect on the bad guys and preserve shrines and civilians...
I know...but a little regular 50 cal. sniping of whatever / whoever carries a weapon there would have some effect on the bad guys and preserve shrines and civilians...

My mistake; I meant whatever /whoever from the barricaded shrines, schools, hospitals we are getting shoot at from...
What to do about Falluja?

1) Use strategic weapons on Damascus and Tehran. Inflict 1 or 2 million casualties in a day or so. This will put things in perspective for the rest of the region.

2) Make Al-Sadr "disappear".

3) Occupy Faluja with 10,000 or so battleready marines. Declare martial law. Collect weapons. Forbid public gathering. Censor local press. Arrest and try troublemakers.

4) Turn over power to an Iraqi run government as quickly as possible.

5) Maintain a military presence in Iraq for 50 years or so.
eilorn said:
What to do about Falluja?

1) Use strategic weapons on Damascus and Tehran. Inflict 1 or 2 million casualties in a day or so. This will put things in perspective for the rest of the region.

2) Make Al-Sadr "disappear".

3) Occupy Faluja with 10,000 or so battleready marines. Declare martial law. Collect weapons. Forbid public gathering. Censor local press. Arrest and try troublemakers.

4) Turn over power to an Iraqi run government as quickly as possible.

5) Maintain a military presence in Iraq for 50 years or so.

You got a point there, chief?
Eilron wrote:
What to do about Falluja?

1) Use strategic weapons on Damascus and Tehran. Inflict 1 or 2 million casualties in a day or so. This will put things in perspective for the rest of the region.

2) Make Al-Sadr "disappear".

3) Occupy Faluja with 10,000 or so battleready marines. Declare martial law. Collect weapons. Forbid public gathering. Censor local press. Arrest and try troublemakers.

4) Turn over power to an Iraqi run government as quickly as possible.

5) Maintain a military presence in Iraq for 50 years or so.

LOL well, lets see. Noumber one is nonsens, ill take it as a joke.... Ok as to 3: Had a look on CQB lately? Its not easy to subdue houndreds of thousends of armed civilians, that are intrenched and barricaded in their own homes....
Actually, it looks like after 4 weeks of political correct war, we finally got it right: just go in with the full might of our military and destroy the enemy wherever he fights from...
Our forces have been doing that pretty successfully for the past couple of days....
I can't wait to see Al Sadr dressed as a women running for his life! :lol:
Game almost over?
Just keep it falling on their heads!!!
Actually, we are doing it now...
I guess, pressed by the agenda, our politicians have put an end to the political correct war and we have been kicking butts for the past couple of days. If we keep it that way, Al Sadr will soon be in custody or in Heaven with 70 STD infected whores!
Or maybe cross dressed and running a 7-11 in San Fran! :lol: