I know I will be getting off topic here.
Personally I believe in defending one's self, and to honor your country by defending it from attacks. However, careful consideration has to be put into really deciding why someone would attack us. Most people never think of the reasons as to why someone would hate anyone so much, enough to attack them. It could be for money, for power, convinience, or just because you hate what they do, and what they bring to the world.
I myself don't believe in any god, and I like wars just as much as any strategist. But I know that I would rather not judge a human life, because I believe I have no right to. I cannot say how much I am worth, and I certainly cannot say whether another human being really should die. We are humans, humans make mistakes.
War is always going to happen, it is human nature. War has no honor anymore, with the way people use guns, and long range missles, you are no longer required to meet the enemy face to face, and show them who you really are, a proud representative of your country, that is willing to die for it. War only solves things temporarily, but it only perpetuates itself eventually. Just remember, that war does not prove who is right, war proves who is left.