What about the Swedish military?


Active member
Well this is a trend that is in here to ask about thoughts on the countries military powers and allibility etc. I thought i would ask the same about Sweden?

Sweden dont really have any political allies but USA has always supported Sweden, even during the cold war despite all the differences and disputes. Or? Is it heading towards less cooperation?

Yeah, what are sweedens capabilities?

Would they be able to successfully defend against someone like Russia?

I'm guessing defensively they would do ok, but as far as in an offensive role, I dunno.
We would be crushed in a mather of days, And poor america if they would have to take a fight for this country, One nice advice ..... Americans ..... Dont do anything! Why? Cause this country dont do anything else then make fun of you guys. So I sincerly dont think sweden deserves any help if we would be attacked. I think an attack would make people think again and teach them to let this self-absorbed and blown-up characters take a trip in to the reality . I think it would be a healthy lesson for the sweds to get there ass kicked by someone. That gives people in generall some good perspectives. And that is something this country needs. This is just my oppinion. 8)



In a way I agree with what your trying to say. People especially in liberaly minded Europe sometimes need a healty does of reality, but by that time it may be too late.

There are some enemies who don't care about peoples intelectualism, sensitivity, or feel-goodisms. The problem is often times it is this kind of attitude of trying to avoid war so much, is what actually leads to war itself, which is what happened in WWII.

The problem is often times it is this kind of attitude of trying to avoid war so much, is what actually leads to war itself, which is what happened in WWII.


Well let say that history have tendency to repeat itselfe on many levels.



Okey let me rephrase it too: What about the cooperation between USA and Sweden?

Forget about attacking and defending.

Doc.S said:
We would be crushed in a mather of days, And poor america if they would have to take a fight for this country, One nice advice ..... Americans ..... Dont do anything! Why? Cause this country dont do anything else then make fun of you guys. So I sincerly dont think sweden deserves any help if we would be attacked. I think an attack would make people think again and teach them to let this self-absorbed and blown-up characters take a trip in to the reality . I think it would be a healthy lesson for the sweds to get there ass kicked by someone. That gives people in generall some good perspectives. And that is something this country needs. This is just my oppinion. 8)



My opinion is the no country needs such things.

Don't post back to back.
Okey let me rephrase it too: What about the cooperation between USA and Sweden?

I trust that this recent article from TV4 News gives some perspective on the "neutrality" of Sweden at present time:


USA wants to rent Swedish submarine including crew

USA wants to rent one of the submarines of the
Swedish Defence Force including its crew.

According to Svenska Dagbladet the idea is to have the
submarine act as a hostile during exercises with
the United States military.

Defence minister Leni Björklund confirms to the newspaper
that the government is considering the request but does not
want to say what desicion might be taken. The deal would
probably involve several hundred million crowns.
Swedish military from what ive read has modern weapons, though there are some soviet systems. The army is fairly small but the weapon systems include the CV90 and leopard 2 (cant remember swedish designation) are top-notch. Your airforce is modern and the Gripen is one of the best if not the best single engine fighter. Your navy although small has stealth ships which is always good and your submarines are very good.
On the individual base of unit base, Sweden army units are simply among the best in the world, no doubt about it.

But sorry to say, Sweden is too small, therefore is almost meaningless in the world military podium (I am really sorry to say this, but it is so).

Only big countries count, that's why few ppl hear something about Sweden Army therefore it is much less known in the world, but ppl can "think", using "common sense": a rich advanced country always has a decent army (units) :D

Sweden's SAAB, Jets are famous.
As for defending it´s own territory I believe the Swedish armed forces (as they stand today) would be able to repell a full scale invasion by the Russkies, however that is no longer a viable or realistic threat so that part of this discussion is an oxymoron.
For one the Russian armed forces are in itself a shell of what they once were.

As for Swedish joint missions with different allies:
KFOR, SFOR, ISAF and UNMIL are a few examples of what is cooking right now.
A recent one is ARTEMIS.

The tip of the sword, the operators are as good as they get and although small in numbers they get their missions done. (Or have gotten thus far).

For the kid who thinks Sweden deserves to get invaded.
When your balls drop from your stomach and you have done atleast some conscription service time come see me and I´ll buy you a beer.

If you are an adult and still feel that way, feel free to move to a third world nation of your choosing.
You say people are complaining to much?
Reread your post and think about how it portrays you.

Sweden and other European nations may not "deserver" the US coming to help them as you say. It'll happen anyways. The US will come to Sweden's assistence if they were invaded by Russia. That's just how the US is.
FlyingFrog said:
On the individual base of unit base, Sweden army units are simply among the best in the world, no doubt about it.

But sorry to say, Sweden is too small, therefore is almost meaningless in the world military podium (I am really sorry to say this, but it is so).

I would disagree, we make a difference ESPECIALLY on a global scale:

- I think that the Swedish soldiers presently serving in the irish rapid reaction unit in monrovia, liberia makes a difference.

- I think that the Swedish soldiers that ran the airport of Kindu, Kongo during 2003, thereby enabling the whole UN mission in that country (since their infrastructure is destroyed) made a difference.

- I think the battalion of Swedish soldiers that, since 1999, have served in the Kosovo mission and enabling the safety of civilians in that region, as well as running one of the 4 divisions during last year, have made a difference.

In addition we have, or have recently had personnel serve in Afghanistan, Eritrea/Ethiopia, Georgia, India/Pakistan, Korea, Sierra Leone, Sudan, and East Timor.

I can keep going... :-)
godofthunder9010 said:
Sweden and other European nations may not "deserver" the US coming to help them as you say. It'll happen anyways. The US will come to Sweden's assistence if they were invaded by Russia. That's just how the US is.

Well, not simply "how the US is". It is how the US defends it's interests. There is no charity in international relations.

What nation state deserves to get help anyways? Name me one government that hasn't lied, cheated and manipulated on numerous occasions.

Still the issue is moot since Russia has no reason to invade Sweden, nor barely any gasoline to complete such a venture.

The economic ties in the baltic region have strengthened exponentially in the last 15 years. It is basically bad politics and economics to have overt conflicts in the region. Remember, IKEA is doing very well in Moscow, and European funds are investing heavily in Russian industry.
A Swedish friend of mine who just finished his service says Sweden's army doesn't even have a professional NCO corps. It's all recruits or officers. So you can forget about their infantry.
Then again Sweden doesn't really need a strong military as long as it has allies that have them. Plus they're good about preserving their neutrality.
the_13th_redneck said:
A Swedish friend of mine who just finished his service says Sweden's army doesn't even have a professional NCO corps. It's all recruits or officers. So you can forget about their infantry.
Then again Sweden doesn't really need a strong military as long as it has allies that have them. Plus they're good about preserving their neutrality.

Yeah well that means exactly diddely squat since we have a completely different system over here.

Lower ranking officers have the role that you over there have given to your NCO,s.
Ask your friend where he served his time, was he a conscript soldier or an officer?
Inquiering minds want´s to know.

Sweden have NO allies that will defend our soil, that´s what neutrality is all about you know.
However we being true to our commitment to the UN have personel helping with the cleaning up/pulling security in Afghanistan for one.

The UN missions mentioned above is more peacekeeping then direct action missions, the units doing those missions are unexperienced but have a good reputation.
As far as I have heard atleast.

The only units in the Swedish arsenal with real world combat experience concists of only officers.
No need for NCO,s on those Teams.

ARTEMIS ring any bells?

Ahh okay. I stand corrected then.

He served as an NCO actually but was comissioned 2nd Lieutenant when he left. He did artillery.
Well Sweden is neutral but there are unofficial allies. If Sweden was under actual threat, I'd imagine most of Europe and the US would flock to its aid. Just this is unneccessary because Sweden's chances of being stuck in a real conflict is just about floating on zero.
KJ said:
The UN missions mentioned above is more peacekeeping then direct action missions, the units doing those missions are unexperienced but have a good reputation.
As far as I have heard atleast.

Actually quite a large percentage of the NCOs and privates have a number of missions already on their roster, which means in addition to 10 to 15 months of conscription service they have anywhere from 1 to 3 years of UN/NATO experience. I doubt many of the US infantrymen in Iraq right now exceed that since many are pulled from the reserve and national guard (anyone having served there, feel free to share your views, and I will stand corrected).

The only units in the Swedish arsenal with real world combat experience concists of only officers. No need for NCO,s on those Teams.

I think that the guys who served in the first Kosovo contingent for Sweden '99-'00 would disagree. They were regularly under fire, and had considerable psychological problems upon return home since the UN were completely unprepared to face the Serbian resistance and brutality that was encountered; including a siege of a school where Swedes played defence. Just about a year ago the Swedish battalion worked side by side with the US division during the Kosovo riots, a number of privates were wounded there as well.

Indeed SSG (our company sized special forces contingent consisting only of officers) have seen the most action, recently in africa as a part of a french unit, but this should not discount the very hostile conditions many of the volunteer non commissioned soldiers have to endure.
I think there's a big difference between Peacekeeping missions and actual combat in Iraq. Peacekeeping missions are often sitting around getting shot at and not being allowed to do anything other than sit around or surrender. Poorly run and organized... probably a textbook case of how not to run military operations.
Being said, I think it is one heck of a hard task. But you really don't learn a whole lot about fighting when you aren't really allowed to fight.
Swedish army

My experience with the swedish army is only positive. We worked closely with the swedish battalion in Kosovo and had a couple of liason officers and soldiers during operations in our camp and AO - no problems whatsoever and the work they did was respectful by all means.

I once read that if the former Soviet Union attacked or invaded Norway or in Central Europe, Sweden would allow NATO forces to use Swedish territory for launching attacks as well as joining NATO troops in the battle. (Cannot remember where and when but it was a topic discussed during the 1980s and early 1990s )

Sweden is also a genial country considering the useage of roads for combat airfields! (The same with Norway and the many short runway airfields allowing F16s to land and take off on just 800 meters (yes it can be done.)).

If someone pulled a trick on Scandinavia I guess the Swedes would not sit on the fence watching but getting heavily involved; history reveals you don't mess with scandinavians :D
Indeed Sweden wouldn´t stand idely by while scandinavian neighbours were attacked.
Ofcourse there have been plans for NATO reinforcements of Sweden if we ever came under attack.

I didn´t mean to belittle the job done by the peacekeepers on either the first or any other Bosnia or Kosovo missions (or any other UN mission).

I still stand by my statement that real COMBAT experience is sparse in these units, while some Teams have plenty of it.
