United States Marine Corps

SemperFi! said:
First i wanted to go into the Navy and be a pilot, then i wanted to go into the Air Force and be a pilot. But finally i heard about the Marine Corps...

That was my path too. Then I joined a Marine JROTC and got the real scoop on Marines and their illustrious history and switched. Now I want to be part of the USMC Silent Drill Platoon.
Is the SDP like a secondary thing that you do when not doing the jobs of your primary MOS? Or is it something that you do for a couple years and then go back to a regular unit?
Hey im in a NAVY jrotc, If i had the choice to be in a marine one i would, since we go under the MCOPO. I talked to my local recruiter the other day, he's been talking to all the will be seniors. Im looking to enlist and be a para-legal, and then try to go through the MECEP. It'd be a dream come true to wear that brass. For certain reasons this could be the ideal way to earn a commission for me. I still want to know more information about MECEP though...I know it'd be a sort of a lengthy process but...I think it'd be worth it. and hey whoever said they wanted to do the SDP, lol thats the **** right there man! I can twirl pretty damn well, u know all that behind the back tosses and like 60 consecutive singles, but they're pretty daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarn good. semper fi!
Say, my boyfriend and I have gotten into a few arguements because he wants me to join the reserves or the Army. He said he doesn't want to wait for even four years for me to get out. Then when I told him I wanted to retire he said there was no way we would stay together. I don't want to not join the Mariens because this is a dream of mine. I also don't want to lose my boyfriend. Although, I have heard that when I accually go in the chances of me finding someone while I'm in active are greater. I don't know what else to do. Could someone give me some advise? :?: this :cen: sucks when men are in the way
Main thing is, your boyfriend should wait for you. In that way, it means he respects you and also your decision to do something for the country. 8)
His main thing is, he's already 30 and if he just sees me for 30 days a year, not even, for four years he's waisting 4 years of his life that he could have a wife and kids by then. He also said that in that time we would probably drift apart. Something he recently said is that the military changes a person and our chances of staying together would also depend on how I change. I told him that the military makes people better in nearly every aspect so why would he want to leave me if I was better. :cry: I don't want to lose him though. I want to have his kids and I want to marry him.... :(
RecruitWalterUSMC said:
Say, my boyfriend and I have gotten into a few arguements because he wants me to join the reserves or the Army. He said he doesn't want to wait for even four years for me to get out. Then when I told him I wanted to retire he said there was no way we would stay together. I don't want to not join the Mariens because this is a dream of mine. I also don't want to lose my boyfriend. Although, I have heard that when I accually go in the chances of me finding someone while I'm in active are greater. I don't know what else to do. Could someone give me some advise? :?: this :cen: sucks when men are in the way

Do you want to be a Marine or do you want to be someone's girlfriend? If you're concered about dating, do not join the Marine Corps. If you want to be a Marine, if you want to serve your country, and if you want to do something that makes you happy that will also help build a start to your career, join the Marines.

You are young, worry about making yourself happy before you start attempting to make someone else happy.

Join the Marines if that is what you want, anyone putting conditions on you doesn't truly care to begin with and there are plenty of fish in the big sea of life. We all have to find our own path, not live a path someone else wishes for us.

Good luck.
I do want to join the Mairnes. I'm so excited about even going to boot which I know is going to be hell but it excites me. For what reason I don't know. Every time I think about going to boot my heart stops and I want to go out and kick the crap out of myself so I can be an outstanding Marine. I love it. I also love my boyfriend. It's crossed my mind that, why would he want me to leave my dreams if he really does care. He told me to my face that he doesn't want me to leave my dream because of him that he just wanted me to see the other side of things. I don't know what to think about him. I'm just going to go into the Marines and see what happens. Is it true that you can't have relations with other Marines? :?:
RecruitWalterUSMC said:
Is it true that you can't have relations with other Marines? :?:

No, it isn't true. You cannot, however, date an officer. I would also advise never dating anyone you work directly with. On another note, dating should be the furthest thing from your mind, focus on becoming a Marine.
Well, having a family is one of the top things on my list. My entire life I haven't done anything or worried about myself. I'm not a priority. I because 18 when I was accually 5. I haven't lived my life as a kid and I don't want to start that at the age of 20. I knew what I wanted to do with my life at 6 years old. I was happy with that though. I'm happy now. Thank you for your advise and I'm considering it as well. You all have very wise words. Maybe, um I dun know, cause you've been there. :roll: I do think there is something wrong in this relationship and I also think I'm going to not let it get to me.
It sounds to me like you want a family, right? Let The Corps be your family for now. You will make new friends and find a different way of life other than that you have been taught already. You are young and there is still plenty of time to find the right person to start that life with. Do not let yourself get caught up in the I want a family thing, that will only lead you to the wrong person and you may end up bein miserable for it. Take your time, you may need to go through a lot of wrong guys to find the right guy. Take things one step at a time, follow your dreams. On another note, let this guy go. He is a lot older than you and is tryin to get you into his life, tryin to fix you to fit into his plan. Live your life, not his.
I hear you ... I know there are plenty of people out there. I think that I'm just going to keep the relationship and if things don't work out then oh well. There's always going to be someone else...
the thing that helped me a lot in boot camp, but I didn't understand till closer to the end was that your Drill Instructors are there to help you, not just to try to mess with you and get you to fail. Remember everything they tell you. They come from all sorts of MOS's and have different experiences. My Senior Drill Instructor was a cook, but he could be as mean as hell. Physical fitness is a big thing and stressed a lot in boot camp along with other things. Pull-ups are a big problem for me but like everything else, it takes work. Good Luck!
To 782.Matt(quote buttons are gone) The SDP is a secondary MOS. The way it works is:
Year one- part of the regular platoon
Year two- can try out for the inspection team
Year three- can try out for rifle inspector(only two men in the platoon ever get this per year.)

After that, I'll probably go for machine guns. :biggun:
RnderSafe said:
RecruitWalterUSMC said:
Say, my boyfriend and I have gotten into a few arguements because he wants me to join the reserves or the Army. He said he doesn't want to wait for even four years for me to get out. Then when I told him I wanted to retire he said there was no way we would stay together. I don't want to not join the Mariens because this is a dream of mine. I also don't want to lose my boyfriend. Although, I have heard that when I accually go in the chances of me finding someone while I'm in active are greater. I don't know what else to do. Could someone give me some advise? :?: this :cen: sucks when men are in the way

Do you want to be a Marine or do you want to be someone's girlfriend? If you're concered about dating, do not join the Marine Corps. If you want to be a Marine, if you want to serve your country, and if you want to do something that makes you happy that will also help build a start to your career, join the Marines.

You are young, worry about making yourself happy before you start attempting to make someone else happy.

Join the Marines if that is what you want, anyone putting conditions on you doesn't truly care to begin with and there are plenty of fish in the big sea of life. We all have to find our own path, not live a path someone else wishes for us.

Good luck.

I agree with you!!!! I'm 23 yrs old and a mother of a 5yr old. I have always wanted to join the Marines but I had my son at an early age and I guess I thought about him more than myself. Now that he is a little bit older I am prepared mentally and physically to do this. I spoke to my husband about it and he was supportive. I would of never guessed that he was going to support right off the back. We even talked about relocating and he has no problems with that. He's willing to get another job were I go and also he will be taking care of Alex the majority of the time. Yeah I know he loves me...
But I'm pretty concerned I'm wondering how much this will affect my son and truly can someone tell me how often do you get to be with your family.....



hey, im currently a junior in high school and am planning to go DEP and then enlist outta high school. my plan is to learn how the enlisted person thinks and know what its like to be in their shoes and then hopeflly become an officer. i was thinking OCS but im not sure how it works....can someone help me out?

But any way . You can apply for the Marine Corps Enlisted Commisioning Program (MCECP) while on active duty.But be advised it is a highly competative process only the best enlisted Marines are selected.The Marine Corps would then send you to a University of their choice and you would remain as an active duty enlisted Marine until you were commissioned.