
Welcome to the forum! Very interesting story there!

I have some bucks you can have, dont use them for anything anyways. ill give you 100 to start of with ;)
thanks I appreciate the donations guys. Hey I've been to Swedin. I spent Misummer there! Oh man the old folks around the cabens got so drunk!! They finished of 6 casses of beer and 12 bottles of wine in one night. We were staying with friends and there family caben. Up by some sea inlets. I loved it!!!!!
I had some crazy fun with those people. We still keep in tough with them. They are still stationed in Belgium (I was stationed there and spain).. but I never drank.. at all.... :roll:
Thank you very much. And I plan on only getting better.Whats kinda pissing me off was when I was watching other cadets doing like 120 and so on sit ups. I looked at how they were doing it. I was like no wonder why they are doing so many. They didnt go to mid thigh and they didnt put their shoulder blades on the ground. I was soar the next day, and half of them said they couldnt even feel it. Really pisses me off! :cen:
tough_girl said:
Thank you very much. And I plan on only getting better.Whats kinda pissing me off was when I was watching other cadets doing like 120 and so on sit ups. I looked at how they were doing it. I was like no wonder why they are doing so many. They didnt go to mid thigh and they didnt put their shoulder blades on the ground. I was soar the next day, and half of them said they couldnt even feel it. Really pisses me off! :cen:

Why? They're only handicapping themselves. When it comes time to pass a real military PT test, they won't pass and you will, if they don't want to put any effort into their exercise, they won't enjoy the benefits of it. It's one of those things you need to just let roll off your back, it doesn't affect you at all, and engaging in a pissing contest with them doesn't benefit either of you.

On a side note, watch out for those situps, they can be killers :lol: . A couple months ago I cracked and displaced my L1 vertebrae because I decided it would be fun to do 800 something situps in an hour on a gym floor, ended up costing me my BAC slot this summer. (Not trying to discourage anyone from working out, I just needed a petext to tell that story again :lol: .)
Do a lot of lower back strengthening exercises as well as crunches (no the sit-ups that the military likes to call crunches, real ones). The crunches are better for you, and as long as you work on your back, sit-ups will be a breeze when you have to do them. Practise your form now and again, but for regular daily exercises, do crunches.
I'll do that. I need to do more push ups and upper body stuff to. I just need to keep my over all performance up. But now that I'm Executive commander of the battalion I have to be in top shape so as to show a good example. I wouldnt make them do P.T. that I couldnt do.
how did you manage that??? lol.. any way I was in my service dress today at our schools graduation. I look freaken good in my navy service dress. People could hardly tell that we were JROTC. it was great. I felt soooooo goooooodddddd!!! :P
I have to agree..the Navy does have the best looking uniforms for special ocassions. My new dress uniform before i left the service kinda makes me look like an old man in a suit.

Now the older Air Force Mess Dress..on a real skinny guy..woo woo!

anyway back on topic..congradulations tough girl! Enjoy your summer!

mark :D