Top 10 militaries in the world

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Top 10 militaries according to James Dunnigan at Strategy Page

The Ten Most Powerful Armed Forces on the Planet
by James Dunnigan
June 17, 2004
Discussion Board on this DLS topic
Which country on the planet has the most powerful armed forces? It's not a matter of numbers, although that's a major factor. It's more a matter of other things that are not often discussed.

By size (number of troops), the top ten nations looks like this;

United States
Korea, North
Korea, South

But anyone who has studied military history knows that the number of troops is a misleading measure. There are several factors that make the troops of one army more effective than others. The most obvious modifying factor is weapons and equipment (quantity and quality). Closely related to this are the 揷ombat support?elements. The most important of these are logistics (being able to move troops, and their supplies, long distances and in a timely manner) and maintenance (keeping things in repair and running under all conditions.) Then there are the intangibles (like leadership, training and the most intangible item of all; military tradition.) Apply all of those to the raw number of troops and you get different number. This number is called "combat power."

Top Ten By Combat Power

United States
Korea, South
Korea, North
United Kingdom

The most unusual entry here is Israel. But this is because Israel is one of the few nations to have a reserve army that can be mobilized for action more quickly than most countries can get their active duties into shape for combat. The mobilized Israeli armed forces number over half a million troops. In addition, the Israelis have world class equipment and weapons, as well as exceptional intangibles. The downsize of this is that mobilizing its armed forces also cripples the Israeli economy. Under these conditions, Israel must conduct a war that ends within a few months. After that, supplying the armed forces becomes difficult and actual combat power begins to decline.

The other nations in the top ten have large armed forces that are well equipped and trained, at least compared to most nations farther down on the list. Britain抯 armed forces, like Israel抯, are better equipped, trained and more experienced than most. Turkey benefits from having a strong military tradition and excellent leadership at the small unit level, as well as good combat training.

Overall, the U.S. combat power is about three times that of second place China, and ten times that of tenth place Pakistan. But another modifying factor is how you plan to use that combat power. Wars are not fought in a vacuum, but in places that often inconvenient places for one side. Most armed forces are optimized for fighting on their own borders; for defending the homeland. Only the United States is capable of quickly moving lots of combat power to anywhere on the planet. Moreover, given a few months, the United States can put enough combat power just about anywhere, and become the major military force in that neighborhood. Countries like Britain and France can move some forces to just about anywhere on the planet. But no one can put forces anywhere quite like the United States.

For most nations with powerful armed forces, it's mainly a matter of having the most formidable military force in the neighborhood.
Israel is considered a major military player because of their ability to buy production high-tech equiptment and make it many times better. The professional non-consript member of the IDF is dedicated to being the best they can be, because they know that their country depends on them, to fight against almost insurmountable odds. The French Foreign Legion is also a rapid deployable force with pre-positioning at bases throughout the world and although they don't get much news coverage, they have been involved in protecting French citizens in far-away places for many years.
All of the IDF consists of conscripts. All were conscripted for 3 years, and some chose to stay longer. The IDF is one the list because of:

1-Training. In most fields the IDF trains it's men to the highest standarts in the world.

2-Hardware and Tech. The IDF uses the best hardware available to US clients, and upgrades it with Israeli made upgrades. It also produces some of its own hardware based on the experience gained in modern conflicts.

3-Structure. The IDF is structured to use as much of its personal in frontline positions. It is also structured to quickly transfer the fighting onto enemy territory. This is done by use of massive armoured and mechanised forces supported by what is one of the best air forces in the world. Also the Israeli reserves are probably some of the best trained, most experienced troops you can find, and can be fully mobilised in 2-3 days.

4-Size. It's large. Foreighn estimates are that the IDF has about 200,000 men and women, and about 500,000 more available in resereves. This means that in war the IDF fields at least 600,000 front line troops.
Darkmb101 said:
:offtopic: where has Redneck been lately?

He's been having some good old military fun this summer.. :D
Should be back soon..

Back on topic...
silent driller said:
I think Isreal is still on the list because of conscription. And of course the US is on top, but not for the reasons you might think. These gentlemen are the real reason for the US's successful military.

ROFL!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: I love that!!!

They taste like chicken, cause, well, they are chicken!!!

Nice topic by the way. I didn't realize South Korea had such a large military.
Im suprised france isnt on the list as there military is powerful, with there aircraft carriers, and SLBMs i would rate them above turkey and pakistan!
What ways to rate the armed forces, how can people think that judging the world's militaries on the size of the armed forces as acceptable? Strategy page seriously needs to change things.
Easy there ;) , read all the posts...:
Flyingfrog wrote:

But anyone who has studied military history knows that the number of troops is a misleading measure. There are several factors that make the troops of one army more effective than others. The most obvious modifying factor is weapons and equipment (quantity and quality). Closely related to this are the 揷ombat support?elements. The most important of these are logistics (being able to move troops, and their supplies, long distances and in a timely manner) and maintenance (keeping things in repair and running under all conditions.) Then there are the intangibles (like leadership, training and the most intangible item of all; military tradition.) Apply all of those to the raw number of troops and you get different number. This number is called "combat power."

The first list is about size, the scond ius about training, hardware, moral and so on....
Uncle_Sam said:
Neither! ;) It's not a superpower anymore

The only reason you think that america is the most powerful is because your an american paitriot,

I mean think logicaly, america isn't a superpower as well.

If you face the facts and compare Russian techology and military power to USA's techology and military power you will see that america ain't so powerful after all.

And I thought that america is a democratic country.
How can america be a democratic country if you won't listen and respect other people's opinions?
Uncle_Sam said:
Simple, when they don't make sence. :D

You americans don't make any sence.
some news program made a servey and found out that most of the people living in europe want america to close thier military bases in europe and go back home to america.
what I mean is, that no body want's you anymore.

And you americans are cowards.
I will explane why:
for example when the 9/11 attack occured, I saw people that where like 5 km from the WTS runing around and screaming like they are right under the building that is going to colapse.
ofcorse the fire fighters where brave, but many of these fire fighters where from other countries.
another example is when there is no electrisity;
when that happens you americans start panicing like a nuclear war has just started. Here in Israel, it's part of every days life.

also if you compare an american soldier to a Russian soldier, you will see that the american soldier is fat compare to the Russian soldier.
that's why an american soldier doesn't stand a chance in a one on one battle, with a Russian or a German soldier.
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