Tobacco & the military?


Active member
My cousin said that if you join active duty in the military, they give out free cigarrettes, dip, and chew. Is this true cuz I heard they did it in WWII, but now its bad for you. You could sell that for lots of money.

Where's my baccy! :cowb:
sorry to let you down...but the military does not give away free tobaccoof any kind in the US military. Matter of fact, smoking in the air force basic military training is not allowed.

Oh you can pick it back up after basic training, but you are going to pay for it, even at the reduced prices for it in the BX and comissary. Nope, no free lunch with tobbaco anymore. :D
tobbaco and smoking are just :cen: , it will drop your physical performence and you get addicted.

And i am not sure but are you allowed to smoke in Boot Camp??
On my opinion eaven drinking shuldnt be alowed in army,anything that can participate in reducing your mental fisical skils
Marksman said:
On my opinion eavven drinking shuldnt be alowed in army,anything that can participate in reducing your skils
I think that having a drink together is good for team building, and okay as long as you're off-duty.
But drinking on duty isn't allowed anyway, is it?
1217 said:
But drinking on duty isn't allowed anyway, is it?

Hmmm, getting drunk on duty certainly isn't allowed, but several countries allows a beer or a glas of wine to the dinner etc..
It depends on the situation, and your job..
ist quit smoking as i was told it was a no-no. anyone caught smoking/ sneaking them in during basic/mos training will be severly punished. so i have been without a cigg. for 2 1/2 weeks now. YAHHH!
Snauhi said:
yeah drinking and smoking should be banned from the army, let those smokers learn not to smoke
Let me guess, you've never smoked? The moderators here are very strict not to let people judge the military without being in it, I'd like to state that if you've never smoked, you shouldn't judge smokers. It's a lot easier to never start smoking, then it is to stop.
I quit smoking over a year ago, and I'm still not smoking, but it wasn't the first time I stopped...
Everyone should have a choice if he/she wants to smoke. Don't characterise them as "those smokers"

GreggK said:
ist quit smoking as i was told it was a no-no. anyone caught smoking/ sneaking them in during basic/mos training will be severly punished. so i have been without a cigg. for 2 1/2 weeks now. YAHHH!
Hang in there, you'll live! ;) (maybe you won't even start smoking again?)
Yes smoking is very bad for you, and it kills your physical health and all that good stuff.

But sometimes when you are taking a break from a Patrol or a Firefight. A smoke is just what the doctor ordered.

I smoked in Afghanistan and in all the prep to the invasion, and I don't smoke now..

Sometimes, it just makes you feel good.

P.S All these war movies you see with people smoking while on patrol.. That is a load of shit, you can't smoke on duty or on patrol... Do you know how far you can smell a normal cig from?? 1 1/2 miles away.. Tell me why you would want to do that.
I love the old WWII movies that have the Brits going into battle with a pipe jammed in their teeth, very realistic, I think. :lol:

I was talking to an E-7 at Ft. Knox who told me that when he was in the field, he would spit (dipper) in his breast pocket so as not to leave a nice trail of tobacco juice for anyone who might be looking for them.
I can tell ya from experience, there is no smoking allowed in (Marine) boot as for others dont know. Marine boot your lucky to breath let alone smoke. Also, I quit smokin Nov12, 1992 and still to this day after sex, meals and drinkin I still want a cig. Do not judge people for something you know nothin about. I had to quit because my wife has asthma and it made sense, every now and again I will have a cigar. It is something people will never understand, most people against smokin have never done it. I am not talkin about a drag to try I am talkin a real smoker. This is just like some of you guys that have a lot of Mt.Dew durin the day, try to go one day without a soda. Then you will have a fraction of the way a smoker feels.
Snauhi said:
tobbaco and smoking are just :cen: , it will drop your physical performence...

Normally I would agree, but Ive met several soldiers that are in the same physical state they would be in if they didn't smoke. If you keep in shape afetr you start smoking, you'll stay in shape.
Nero said:
Snauhi said:
tobbaco and smoking are just :cen: , it will drop your physical performence...

Normally I would agree, but Ive met several soldiers that are in the same physical state they would be in if they didn't smoke. If you keep in shape afetr you start smoking, you'll stay in shape.
Not true, as I said earlier, I was a smoker. And when I ran my couple miles in the morning, I could tell how much I'd smoked the evening before. I was in good shape, but it improved fairly rapidly right after I quit.
I can go with that one. I was smokin 3 pack of reds a day and still had a perfect PFT and ran a 17min, 3 mile. I can't imagine how much better I could have done if I hadnt been smokin at that time. Every person is different on how things effect them. it is like coffee, some people can drink it with no effects and others get and instant speed rush.
true, I knew a women who smoked about 40 to 50 cigarettes a day and she lived to by 84, I think, in perfect health, and some people smoke 5 of them a day and die at 39.... life just isn't fair. (and neither is death)
When I left the service, despite my smoking, my drinking 2 pots of coffee a day, my eating an apple at lunch and my jogging in fatigues with no socks in my combat boots, I was still kicking the butts of my subordinates. I was 39! I am 44 and still kicking butts (and wearing socks now! :lol: ). People still think I am "weird" though! :lol:
In the French military, you can smoke and drink when not actively involved in whatever military matter (training, maintenance, PT,...).
Lunch, dinner, parties always involve drinking and smoking. Bivouac and regular nights on the field too.
Getting drunk or U.I is forbiden but accessing a drink or cigarettes is easy at all the clubs, all ranks, when off duty. Even in operations one can get a beer and a Penthouse! It prevents all the kind of black market things that go on around troops denied access to these "comodities" + a "control" on what to whom!!!
Cigarettes where in the C-Rats up until the late eighties + a little bottle of schnaps...
But don't worry, political correctness and health police are catching up!!!