Ahem...I think the Israeli "invented" terrorism. Back in the late 40's or early 50's while trying to kick out the Brits from what is now Israel.
The Arabs just picked up the bat and started running.
As always...just my 2 cents, not trying to blame anyone, just trying to point that it always takes two to dance
Well, next time you put in your 2 cents, make sure they are accurate.
Well, that keeps me from having to chime in here.
Well, that is true for the terrorists them selves. But you must talk with the civilians around and gain their support, or the terror will never stop.
Agreed. All that can be done, must be done to help countries that have been under the rule of those who support terrorism, learn a different way of life. Or there will be three more created for every one that is killed.
If all top world powers are united in this war, then we can win it, otherwise no hope.
Then how to get the world powers united? Too difficult, since USA is too selfish about its own interests and often damages other's interests.
Own interests? This is almost too ridiculous to answer. But in very simplistic terms, every country MUST look after their own interests first. That is their first an foremost obligation to the people of their nation. If the President of the US said that he was most interested in what would make for instance, India, prosper, than what is best for the US then he wouldn't be much of a leader.
My solution:
1- Make all efforts to advance the Muslim and Middle Eastern countrys both economcally and Socially.
2-Make sue that govronments that support terror pay for it.
3-Kill any terrorist you can.
Absolutely. You are on the mark there IMO.