The Canadian Army

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Every time I go visit the U.S for vacation or buisness someone just has to make of OUR ARMY! NOT TRUE! Even tho the canadian army doesn't have much supply's ,or men, like the U.S we still teach them how to utilise every weapon we have at our disposol unlike the U.S. We also have the worlds best special forces (JTF2) which is better than the S.A.S, Navy seals, and maybe Grey Fox etc... But we have draw backs our submarines.
Even tho we don't have the greatest army in the world ( unlike our specs ) we still know how to adapt and overcome quickly. Plus we also have big role in NATO.

O when Jean Chretien was in office our military used to be this.


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so what? everytime i go to canada people make fun of my govt. people who make these comments are mostly uninformed on the subject. i happen to respect the canadian army. and while i dont doubt that your special forces are great, there isnt a "best" special forces group.
My experiences in Canada have been as disperse as they can be.

The French portion of Canada basically sucks in my books. The English speaking part of Canada is OK.

I once asked a guy from Quebec what the difference between the French spoken in Quebec and the French spoken in France. His response floored me, "The Quebec French is a much more pure languange."

I'm no fan of France, but I felt this was really reaching for respectability.
Alright before it even starts... Besides one seal team which is tier 1 the rest are tier 2. Besides What you kids call Delta, the majority of the rest of the US Special forces is tier2. JTF is tier 1. SAS is tier 1. Again, Delta is Tier 1. All you people who just assume that SEALs and USSF are the best and don't even know a thing about them. Educate yourselves. You can't say that one tier 1 unit is better than another. THey are constantly cross training, all have huge budgets, and none of them compete like that. I don't know how many threads I have seen that start, what is better Rangers, seals or delta???? Well those are 3 different levels you are asking about. Hopefully this clarify's
CDT.Ensign said:
i highly doubt that the canadien special forces are better than seals or the army green berets

I some what agree here. JTF-2 isn't the best but I would say is equal to the American, British and other special forces from around the world. Its really hard to say who the best is. I can say one thing, JTF-2 is probabaly the most secretive SP in the world, barelly anything is known about them.
nothing against them, but im just more willing to put my life in the hands of us special forces than the not so much heard of canadian sf's:biggun:
wow a whole page

its nothing compared to the information that you could find on almost any other force

I don't know much about the special forces, but it seems to me that a group of people who perform secret operations that are highly important to security wouldn't want to be well known. If I wanted to do some of the things they do, I sure wouldn't broadcast my abilities to the world, because everyone has a weakness... if someone can determine what yours is, you're dead.

Oh, and Canada has a well trained military, for those of you who think otherwise. The big problem that I see is our lack of funding for new technology and upgrades... things like that. Also, I don't think it should be an "our forces are better than your forces" game. Canada and the United States are allies, let's hope we never have to test the argument in a real life situation.
SAS is the grand daddy of all special forces and everyone coppied them.

Canadian SFs are probally pretty good, all westren nations have fairly decent special operation forces.

All special forces provide a diffrent role, Green Berets are good at going behind enemy lines and working with native forces, thats what they are trained to do. I'm sure they do that better than other SF units because thats what there trained to do. SEALs are probally the best in the water cause guess what, thats were there trained to operate. I dont know what role JTF2 is trained to do but im sure there pretty good at it.

what is better Rangers, seals or delta???? Well those are 3 different levels you are asking about. Hopefully this clarify's

3 diffrent roles.
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Rabs said:
All special forces provide a diffrent role, Green Berets are good at going behind enemy lines and working with native forces, thats what they are trained to do. I'm sure they do that better than other SF units because thats what there trained to do. SEALs are probally the best in the water cause guess what, thats were there trained to operate. I dont know what role JTF2 is trained to do but im sure there pretty good at it.quote]

JTF-2 Does all that. They are created using men from army, navy, and airforce, where they undergo training in all aspects of the military.
JTF-2 Does all that. They are created using men from army, navy, and airforce, where they undergo training in all aspects of the military.

Oh, so there as good as everyone at everything regardless of how much training other groups have at doing that one thing well. That makes perfect sense. Thanks for clearing it up.

I'm sensing a song,

Why are you so good...
You swim faster and farther than SEALs
You talk to the natives better than the Greeen Berets
Why are you so good...
You pull hostages out faster than Delta can think
You destory targets faster than the SAS can rember what SAS stands for.

All in jest.
I think I hear PJ locking and loading...
And no one has yet to mention his beloved Pararescue Jumpers! For shame!
Someone commented on the Navy Seals.

The makeup of the Seals is not....NOT....totally Navy personnel.

I'm partial, but i think the overall preparedness of the Seals puts them in a category all their own.
Yeah, NAVSOF is in a league of there own, thats why they all get out and go to Blackwater, Titan, triple canopy and all the other PMC's...
All of the Tier 1 units have an advantage over the tier 2 units. And yes the Tier 1 units are better at what they do than the tier 2 units. Thats why you don't send ODA's on the same type of mission IE: DA's that you would send a Tier 1 unit... Of course based on the value of the target and the threat level, ODA's can do DA's but not like a tier 1 unit can. Don't think of all the different countries and how they compare, think about the levels within each country. The best of the best from each, are all at a same level...
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