This is got to be the STUPIDEST idea I have ever heard. Then again when I heard it came from Bush protege Rick Perry I wasn't surprised.
First of all: Who got us into this spending mess. It wasn't Obama, hes only been in office 3 months so their is no plausible way it could be Obama fault. The mess was caused by the policy of tax cuts for Millionaires, starting involved in a unnecessary war, and borrowing beyond our means all of which came Ironically from a Republican President...from Texas.
So to summarize, a Texas Republican got the country into this mess. Now its not only another Texas Republican, but his ideological son proposes to solve the problem by seceded Texas from the Union?
If Perry wants Texas to secede I say LET HIM. God knows how much damage Texas politicians caused over the past 8 years, the country could sure use a break from their ideas. I just feel sorry for the people in Texas who don't want to get involved in this madness.
Furthermore the people involved in these Teapartys are (forum rules prevent me from calling them stup**) so lets say uneducated and ignorant.
If these people bothered to read the Tax Plan it specifically states that your taxes only climb only if you are making more than $250,000 a year. If you make less than this you get a Tax Cut of up to $1000. I swear, as much as the right-wing hates the French they are becoming is becoming more and more like them. Criticize and protest everything even before they know what they are protesting about.
Lastly this whole Tea Party is pure astro-turf issue (the opposite of grass-roots). Instead of the idea/sentiment coming from the public going to Washington, its Washington lobbyists trying to push an issue to the public. In other words this is the right wing Washington lobby trying to push an agenda to the public using a artificial and fabricated Public sentiment.
Dont believe me? Who is the biggest supporter of Tea parties? FOX NEWS. I rest my case.