Thank you. I know you are my biggest fan.
Mohmar Deathstrike said:
Maybe the Swedish government or population think Israel is an oppresive force that they don't want to share expertise with?
None of the other nation seem to think so. Why is this?
Maybe ther is another reason for this...
Hmmm lets see...
Anti-Semitism in Sweden
...The situation has become so bad, they report, that "Jews in Sweden today often feel compelled to hide their religious identity in public: necklaces with stars of David are carefully hidden under sweaters, and orthodox Jewish men change their kippot [skullcaps] to more discreet caps or hats when they are outdoors. Jews in Sweden nowadays get secret telephone numbers to avoid harassment. In Sweden. Today."
In a Swedish population of some 9 million, there are about 20,000 Jews, mostly in Stockholm, Sweden's capital. The social scientists blame the Muslim migrants, now 3.9 percent of the Swedish population, for the growth of anti-Semitism. (Sweden has the second-largest percentage Muslim population in Western Europe. France has the highest Muslim population percentage, 7 percent.)...
Arab and Muslim Anti-Semitism in Sweden
Anti-Semitism is perceived as a minor problem in Sweden, restricted to marginal neo-Nazi and other extreme-Right groups. Anti-Jewish ferment among parts of the country's Arab and Muslim population is largely denied and ignored. Nevertheless, the phenomenon exists and manifests itself among some Arab and Muslim pupils in suburban schools, on Muslim websites in Swedish, and in attacks on Jews and their institutions. This anti-Semitism has its roots in the Middle East, where it is widespread in the countries of origin of many Arab and Muslim immigrants in Sweden...
Antisemitism in Sweden
Teachers in Swedish suburbs report widespread and brazen hostility against Jews among groups of Arab and Muslim students. This hostility is expressed by the refusal to concern oneself with anything that even can be considered as Jewish. Students may sabotage or skip teaching of Religion when Judaism is the subject, skip homework, books or examinations on courses about Judaism. During lessons in history confrontations arise between teachers and students, who may on one hand say that the Holocaust never happened — instead dismissing it as Zionistic propaganda — or on the other hand express their admiration of Hitler and regret that he didn't succeed in killing more Jews.
Sweedish Jews join IDF to escape anti-Semitism
...Mayer calls Sweden “a microcosmic example of what is happening in the rest of Europe.” He notes that “although anti-Semitism is illegal in Sweden, and while most native Swedes might not actually engage in anything of an anti-Semitic nature, they are indifferent to anti-Semitic acts taking place before their eyes and make no effort to intervene.”
“They shy away from conflict,” said Mayer.
...“Nadav, the youngest of Mayer’s children is a defiant 14-year old who insists on wearing a Star of David around his neck. As a result, he has been attacked on buses, trains and in the street by gangs of Muslim youth. Only once did a Swede come to his aid and hold off the assailants,” writes the Post...
Manifestations of Anti-Semitism in the European Union - Sweden
Commissioned by the E.U. Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia
...On 18 April 2002, a small public meeting with approximately 100 participants protesting against both anti-Semitism and phobic attitudes to Islam took place in central Stockholm. The organisers expressed that the rally was non-partisan and did not take sides in the Middle East conflict. The rally was organised by a branch of the Liberal Party youth organisation and several of the participants were Jews. As the rally was about to end, a much larger anti-Israeli march organised by the Palestinian support organisation was passing nearby. Suddenly, 100-150 young demonstrators broke out and charged into the little crowd that was left around the small demonstration - most of them Jews. The attacking group was threatening and some violence was seen. Individual attackers could be heard shouting, “Kill the Jews!” and “We’ll blow you up!” Some attackers also went around aggressively asking people if they were Jewish. It should be pointed out that there were also many young Swedish extreme left-wing people amongst the most aggressive participants...
...The leftist party Vänsterpartiet announced a campaign against racism, mentioning xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of racism, but not anti-Semitism.
Mohmar Deathstrike,
Perhaps you need to wake up and see what happening a little bit more.
Your people were once guilty of trying to exterminate the Jews, I suppose you can turn a blind eye, after all you are not the ones trying to do it this time around.
BTW...Did you catch that last part of that last article? Here I 'll quote it for you.
Individual attackers could be heard shouting, “Kill the Jews!” and “We’ll blow you up!” Some attackers also went around aggressively asking people if they were Jewish. It should be pointed out that there were also many young Swedish extreme left-wing people amongst the most aggressive participants.
Didn't I mention something earlier about political correctness and bowing down to pressure to Sweedens own Muslims citizens?! I did, didn't I.... For some of you here this may start to make sense now.