Should the Government Become Involved?

Should the Government Force the Child's Parents to Seek Chemo for the Child?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • No

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 1 4.3%

  • Total voters
Here we find ourselves in agreement, friend. There are circumstances in which case I think whatever god they follow would allow them to do certain things. Like Jehova's Witnesses... I'm pretty sure he would let them slide to save their child.
well i guess that would depend on the case really. With some kids their parents never pay any attention to them and dont even take care of them so in a case like that the kids need outside forces to come in and take charge to save the kids life. If the parents are greedy over money then i still think the government should make them seek treatment. Sometimes parents can be very unaware of their childs feelings on a situation. I think that at time it would be best to let the children decide what they want to do. I mean it is their life after all. Shouldnt they have the right to decide whether or not they want to try a treatment that can better help them then take an "alternative medicine"? Kids have more insight into life then the adults give them credit for. A child should be able to determine how they would wish to spend what may be their final days here on earth. They should be able to express their opinion on the matter at hand. Every child has an opinion but not every child gets the opprotunity to express it.

I say give the kids a chance! You only live once!
What you do to yourself after 18 is your business. The state requires people as many people under the age of 18 to reach that age. Give the kid a chance.
I chose undecided.

Can the government make better decisions than the parents? If so, under what conditions?

I don't think it's right, but, they are his parents. I know it's cruel, but if the state feels they know better, they can always go to a judge and have the judge decide. In doing that the parents have the right to sue, but the kid has a better chance, according you guys, of living. Guess someone's gotta decide quick. Without proper treatment that cancer will kill that kid fast.

I really do TRY to understand what the family is saying. But something they seem to miss is there is nothing no where in the Bible that says no medical care. And Jesus Himself is not unforgiving or absolute. You can pray to Him and ask for consent, or even forgiveness. I don't see Jesus as one that will send anyone to hell for wanting their child to stay alive.
Native American beliefs... I mean... It was just a general term for beliefs. Forgive me.........

No, offense taken :)...Native Americans believe in helping humans and mother nature, so they can live life to the these parents I dont think have N.American beliefs :)

You positive about that? ;)

They're not Native American... They're beliefs are BASED on Native American beliefs. And for the record, Native Americans DID believe in physical healing through natural means... They had no other ways of healing.

I DIDNT say they were...look back at my statements...I said if they're beliefs were those...then the're definetly NOT N.Americans...N.Americans like I stated before believe in "LIFE" to the fullest...oh and BTW, healing is referred to "Spiritual" not "Body" there is a diffrence...

"When a body is sickened it is because of evil spirit" that WAS the we still practice rituals in remembrance and to honor our ancestors...but if we get sick, then hell ya, we get medical attention..Even N.American beliefs have evolved throughout the centuries..mostly due to the christianity impact and various cultures.
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That's good because there's plenty of folks on this side of the world who still thinks the Chinese herbal medicine bollocks works.
Chinese medicine. Where they give you a handful of crushed-dried pig schlong to sniff to make you more masculine. IIiiiiiiiiiiiii don't THINK SO!

Back when I was in college I studied up on the Ute tribe, and found it has a lot in common with Christianity, which is what gave the mormons a ticket to go carte' blache in the 1800's.

I don't know. Something seems awfully wrong about this. In my church we consider anything and everything up to the individual. But then if it involves others, even if it is their child, it's not solely their choice.
Chinese medicine. Where they give you a handful of crushed-dried pig schlong to sniff to make you more masculine. IIiiiiiiiiiiiii don't THINK SO!

Back when I was in college I studied up on the Ute tribe, and found it has a lot in common with Christianity, which is what gave the mormons a ticket to go carte' blache in the 1800's.

I don't know. Something seems awfully wrong about this. In my church we consider anything and everything up to the individual. But then if it involves others, even if it is their child, it's not solely their choice.

Yeah, well anyhow...hope everything works out for the this case that is...
Freakin fruit loops. Let a kid die because it comes into conflict with some assinine "new age" belief in holistic medicine that may or may not be based on Native American medicine. They oughta take all eight of these idiots kids.

As far as the native american aspect, I know a few and none of them would let their kid die while they watch some nut job burn sage and crush up elder berry roots or whatever. They would do anything possible to save the kid...any responsible parent would.

I concur.

I personally find it distasteful when government intervenese in private familly affairs but in this case I think the parents are willfully putting their child in danger by refusing the chemo. If they refuse the chemo, and their son dies I would press for charges of negligiant homicide be brought and their others kids sent to foster care.

I am not an atheist, but its cases like this that make me sympathize will Bill Maher and despise all religion. I have no tolerance for extremists of any type.
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