Certain "elements" in the forum have unfortunately forced us to tighten the forum rules (even more.)
This is nothing we enjoy to do, but several "events" the last couple of weeks does unfortunately make this necessary.
We've noticed an increased disrespect towards other members/nations/religions, and this is not tolerated at all!
You are of course allowed to disagree, but there are several different ways to show that.
Mutual Respect is the keyword here!
We will NOT tolerate any (more) flaming, country bashing and/or off-topic posts.
Flaming/country bashing replies will result in a two day immediate ban.
Two temporary bans and you're out for good, and I will report your IP and e-mail as a warning to Admins at other large forums.
Off-topic posts will (may) result in a MilBuck fine of at least 20 MilBucks.
If you don't have the MilBucks, some of your gear and/or privileges will be removed.
If you believe that a post/reply is off-topic/flaming or violates the rules in other ways, then do NOT reply to it, ignore it and continue on topic. PM me or one of the other moderators, and we will deal with it.
(I will soon install a "report post/spam" button)
These rule applies especially to the military related discussions.
We do of course allow off-topic posts to a certain degree, as long as it adds to the the discussions, and doesn't wander off too far.
USE COMMON SENSE WHEN YOU POST, and you'll be fine.
The general chit chat, and junior chit chat forums may be used for off-topic discussions.
This is a forum made by, and for military related/interested personnel.
We have 30+ nations represented here, so it can be a perfect place to actually learn something new from others.
If you can't respect the rules and members here, then I suggest that you find somewhere else to "play".
Feel free to comment this here, or PM me.
This is nothing we enjoy to do, but several "events" the last couple of weeks does unfortunately make this necessary.
We've noticed an increased disrespect towards other members/nations/religions, and this is not tolerated at all!
You are of course allowed to disagree, but there are several different ways to show that.
Mutual Respect is the keyword here!
We will NOT tolerate any (more) flaming, country bashing and/or off-topic posts.
Flaming/country bashing replies will result in a two day immediate ban.
Two temporary bans and you're out for good, and I will report your IP and e-mail as a warning to Admins at other large forums.
Off-topic posts will (may) result in a MilBuck fine of at least 20 MilBucks.
If you don't have the MilBucks, some of your gear and/or privileges will be removed.
If you believe that a post/reply is off-topic/flaming or violates the rules in other ways, then do NOT reply to it, ignore it and continue on topic. PM me or one of the other moderators, and we will deal with it.
(I will soon install a "report post/spam" button)
These rule applies especially to the military related discussions.
We do of course allow off-topic posts to a certain degree, as long as it adds to the the discussions, and doesn't wander off too far.
USE COMMON SENSE WHEN YOU POST, and you'll be fine.
The general chit chat, and junior chit chat forums may be used for off-topic discussions.
This is a forum made by, and for military related/interested personnel.
We have 30+ nations represented here, so it can be a perfect place to actually learn something new from others.
If you can't respect the rules and members here, then I suggest that you find somewhere else to "play".
Feel free to comment this here, or PM me.