Paintball players?


Active member
Any players? I've seen airsoft but no paintball subjects. I've been playing now for 3 1/2 years and currently use a Dust Black Cobra Mamba IR3 Angel with the Cobra Tattoo, Black BKO, and Black AMG LCD. Any type is good for me...woodsball, hyperball, speedball, etc. What do you shoot and play?
Marksman said:
Could you tell me what are thr prices of the paintball guns
Cuz i wanna play it too :lol:

Prices for guns range from a Wal Mart Blade pump PB gun going for $20 to the expected release soon of the Cobra Mamba 04 Angel which is looking at costing around $1900
Yea u have a 98 custom with assult kit. My friend has a field set up behind is house we have about 12 kids from school that play back there. Hey your not from MI are u??
Haven't played yet, but my Safe Grad trip includes a few rounds of it. Given my level of marksmanship and stealth, I think every one of my civilian classmates will be done for.
Marksman said:
Airsoft is cheaper
What exactly is an "Airsoft"???
Similar to paintball except airsoft guns shoot 6mm plastic bb's with weights from .12 gram to like .60 gram. They a replica guns and function really like the real thing. Most of them are internaly and externaly upgradeable like ading scopes,lazer sights,m203 launchers etc...The only difference really is that you dont get paint splattered on you and you have to be honest to say that you are out...check (jungletoy store), and there are some other sites that sell guns...this is my teams website :
I play paintball! I have a M98C and my friends and I just like to go out in the woods and play some woodsball. Lots of fun :P
My friend has a field set up, and he has woods right next to them so we play there to its alot of fun. i've played in two tourment. Its a great sport. i think everyone should play at least once. even my church goes thats were i started.
3 yr player... Tippman A5 and Tippman model98 both have scopes and rifled barrels. i love playing.. my firends and I play year round.. in snow, in rain, in the dark....we dont do competitions or tournaments, we play on private property 200 acres worth of private property but when you get 20 or 30 guys together it gets fun..of course we divide that amount of land into quadrants. winners pick a quadrant to play in for next round.
My Paintball gun is a JT 3.0
My airsoft gun's include an SR-16 and a G3 SG1. Both upgraded 400fps. My SG1 has a suppressor and a red dot sight.
I went again on Saturday, and MAN I forgot how much fun this sport was....I'm going to have to get back into it.

oh, I have a Spyder TL, all tricked out with stuff...too lazy to type out all the mods I have put into it...
A question for u guys!! If there were a paintball place that would offer games where you would land on a beach and try to invade. D-da basiclly. Would you guys go. There would be mortars and machine guns and bunkers!!! :biggun: :2guns: