mmarsh, sorry, won't get me to shed a tear that Khalid Sheik Mohammed got his face wet. And you are absolutely correct, I would not last ten seconds under ANY of these interrogation methods, but then again, I never did anything to cause me to be interrogated, Sir.
As for Obama, you bet your boots I NEVER gave him a chance. I have strong political convictions, and I have seen what Democrats have done to our nation each time they have been handed the White House in the time I have been alive. I saw Obama as a hard Left fundamentalist America-hating disciple of the Jeremiah Wright version of American geopolitics, which cannot be more diametrically opposed to my world view if he tried. So, no, I'm not one of these types who moisten their finger, hold it up to the wind, and see if the new political winds are to my liking a particular day: Obama is WRONG on EVERY issue, and he has proven so every day he has been in office, as wrong as I knew he would be, and actually, on Iran, even MORE wrong than I anticipated.
Again, I find the claim that US personnel commited actual torture on captives patently absurd, whether I would enjoy being treated in that manner or not. You want torture? Look to Abu Ghraib under Sadam Husayn, look to the Lubyanka, look to Castro's Cuba, look to any Chicom prison. But to call what US personnel did in interrogations of these Islamist savages is NOT "torture", and I for one am GLAD that these methods were used, because they saved American and allied lives, and the lives of countless innocent civilians. Obama just wanted to embarass the Bush Administration and his revelation of personnel's names and faces who carried out LAWFUL orders puts those personnel up as targets for retaliation. THAT, my friend, is TREASON, no matter who does it.
Torture is what the enemies of the west do, Sir. What was done at Abu Ghraib under Coalition control and Gitmo were NOT torture, no matter how many times you say it. I said I did not like what happened with folks who were shipped to Morocco, that WAS torture.
There is a BIG difference.