New threat - Internal Body Bomb

I guess the solution is to eat plenty of beans to start with and use the bomb as a detonator, only trouble is everyone will have evacuated beforehand anyway!

More seriously though this must be an awful way to die, they will certainly suffer for their sins!

Genius. A new type of Fuel Air Explosive.
Well, people who are ready to blow themselves off are capable of anything... They didnt left much to do.
If my memory is correct, from a medical standpoint, the digestive tube is "external". It's not really "inside our body".

And the concept is very used by the drug dealers, they call them mules.

They take pellets of drugs, mostly expensive drugs... Like Cocaine etc... And they put them in a ball of wax, they put them inside a condom or something like that, and then you can swallow them and move them through borders...

They need X-Rays to detect them.