Of course China/Chinese don't want to have any war with nobody, let alone USA. China has always been trying to be friendly with USA, but USA seems like to treat China as an enemy. In the case of N.Korea, I think China will not sit there to watch how N.Korea is attacked and finished by USA, Chinese old saying: when the lips are gone, the teeth will feel cold soon, China does not want to have a hostile country on the border, that's also main reason why China entered Korea War.
so thats why China and Russia oppose ANY proposals the US puts into the UN? Maybe you havent been informed that we are in the process of lowering our number of troops in S. Korea? And how can 37,000 troops be considered a hostile intention of invasion into North Korea?
We all know at that time in 1950, USA controls the UN, even now

UN operation in Korea War? Not really, it was simply an American operation.
If the US controls the UN then explain how the UN hasnt sent in peacekeepers from throughout the world to Iraq?
N Korea is the one who has agreed to walk away from the nuclear arms race before for aid. It was given to them. Now they try using it again for a bargaining chip. Id like to reemphasize this
Two points here:
1) N.Korea as a nation, it has right to protect herself with all means, thus Nukes. India may test nukes, why not N.Korea? Why some countries may have nukes, no one goes to check our Israel nukes, but why only pick up those countries which USA does not like? Double standards?
I dont recall Israel promising a disarming program for aid.....correct me if Im wrong here?
2) N.Korea wants USA to sign non-aggression pact, why USA just does not want to sign? So ask N.Koreans to disarm nukes, then attack them like killing a chicken? Makes no sense.
again I ask....N. Korea uses this as an excuse to stall. 37,000 troops is hostile aggression? Now also look at this next scenario....N. Korea is massed on the 38th parallel. The United States is withdrawing troops. N. Korea still masses troops and now goes back on a treaty to disarm but has built nukes WHILE they are believed to be disarmed. Now I ask you my friend....who should trust who? The country who is constantly staging for war or the country who is drawing down and held their end of a treaty that was broken by the other side?
USA will not work alone, USA must think about Japan and S.Korea, if N.Koreans are driven mad, they will not hesitate to lauch nukes (if they have) into Japan.
Now show me at least one reason Japan would walk away from their constitution which uses their military for defensive actions only? Persian Gulf maybe? If thats what your thinking, now show me committed combat troops not support personnel such as a hospital. N. Korea is only using these crazy accusations to stall so they can go back on their word even more. Why sign a non aggression pact with a country who hasnt stuck with previous pacts and agreements?
Personally I think Chinese and American can be big pals in the near future, there is no fundamental conflicts btw these 2 nations, it these 2 nations can act together in world affairs, jesus, no one can stop them, world will be in good peace
yes if we work together alot can be accomplished. For some reason I just cant see China who is striving to be a world power, work with someone they have to contend with on that right. China uses the excuse of "a strong country on our border" to attack us but still get beaten back those 50 years ago.