Muslims tell British:go to hell!


'nough said.... and I was planing of going to sleep...
What I don't get is.....some of these people vote in our country and agree to the defence project. They agree to us having armed forces so Britain isn't overthrown...but then they go pull this. These people make no sense!

the make up of our country in modern times is the best advert (that no number of advertising agencies could top) is that an empire is a bad idea:-(... always a price to pay, in our case immigration from our former colonies ..ok in a country like say canada/usa/australia, where lots of space & land mass, but not such a hot idea on a small island like the thinking mainly of influx of people from pakistan/somalia/etc...have served with guys from fiji & nepal that i gladly would have enrusted my life with so i hope im not being a blanket rascist
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the make up of our country in modern times is the best advert (that no number of advertising agencies could top) is that an empire is a bad idea:-(... always a price to pay, in our case immigration from our former colonies ..ok in a country like say canada/usa/australia, where lots of space & land mass, but not such a hot idea on a small island like the thinking mainly of influx of people from pakistan/somalia/etc...have served with guys from fiji & nepal that i gladly would have enrusted my life with so i hope im not being a blanket rascist
Everyone on this planet is a "Racist" believe me. Even the most ardent multiculturalists will show this side of their nature given the right stimulus.

The fault is not in being labeled as a racist, but more in the intent of the person doing the labeling, as what they are implying is that you are "intolerant" and it is only their own intolerance that makes them label you as intolerant.

Putting people into neat little pigeon holes according to their preferences is a Catch 22 situation, and therefore should be regarded as null and void.
the make up of our country in modern times is the best advert (that no number of advertising agencies could top) is that an empire is a bad idea:-(... always a price to pay, in our case immigration from our former colonies ..ok in a country like say canada/usa/australia, where lots of space & land mass, but not such a hot idea on a small island like the thinking mainly of influx of people from pakistan/somalia/etc...have served with guys from fiji & nepal that i gladly would have enrusted my life with so i hope im not being a blanket rascist

Stand easy, friend. Those issues are not racist, but legitimately political and cultural.
Some opinions voiced here in this thread are very very disappointing.

You shouldnt criticize the UK for its politics toward these "different" populations. We should praise the UK for it's open position toward these extremists.

Free speech is a right. We give this right, not to our enemies or to our friends, but to everybody. If you deny free speech to someone, this someone is only yourself. These ideas will travel, like it or not. Silencing them in the public sphere is just pushing them toward background hidden channels, and it will come back to bite in the ass in the near future.

Thanks to free speech, the ideas can fight each others... As it should happen in a democracy. And if our ideas and positions are better, then why are you moaning about? Let them bring their silly arguments.

Live and let live is a very sophisticated and advanced way of thinking. It's not "hippie BS"... "Human rights BS"...

Any caveman can use violence. Any corrupt bastard can pay for scientific research and pay skilled warriors to buy his people some cheap prestige and brute power.

But even these religious extremists are more civilized than some brainless brutes who spoke in this thread...

As long as they respect the law, then pack your stuff and let them live. I'm sick of these extremist right wingers who are god damned racists and bigots trying to change the law to destroy the foundations of our civilization.

Our rights arent cheap... To allow our great minds to speak up and build our civilization, we have to allow everybody to speak its mind. Sometimes, crazy ideas ideas will be thrown in the mix... But we have nobody who cant tell us for sure who is right or wrong, so we listen to everybody and let people chose for themselves.

Basics of everything... We have everything we need to beat up some Middle-Eastern Talibans... But what about their Western counter parts?

We have good people and worthless scum in every group... Who is dealing with the Western scum, per favor?
Free speech is a right. We give this right, not to our enemies or to our friends, but to everybody.
As long as they respect the law, then pack your stuff and let them live. I'm sick of these extremist right wingers who are god damned racists and bigots trying to change the law to destroy the foundations of our civilization.
What do you think the folks in the photos want to do? You think there would be freedom of speach after they remodel England in thier image?
They are a minority. They are nobody...

They have no power, the only power they have is to make the foolish extremist in our society change the laws to destroy our civilization.

If we have ANYTHING as a civilization, it's the individual freedoms, it's our academic wisdom... This is what's holding our civilization.

It's not our military power, it's not our industrial power... It's these things. You take out these things and we will be living in "rich" dictatorships... And then, it will be chaos. Our whole world will collapse.

You are asking us to bomb ourselves to not let the terrorists bomb us...

These extremists are morons... And all they can do, if they get luck and if we fail miserably in defending ourselves is kill a few of our people...

But life cant be perfect. We will always have some twisted people fighting us...

But it's better to lose a few people than to enslave the whole population...

Build the law following strict and fair principles. Made for everybody, not just the people we like or hate.
And then, enforce this law at all costs.

Remember that if we are "dominant" today, it wont last forever... Someday, we will lose our domination. And all we can hope for is that the system we would have built today will last longer than us...
It's repulsive. This guy is provided with £800 per month and a free home; even his fine penalty of £50 ( that is what the lousy judge calculates as the worth of the reputations of the dead soldiers!) will be paid by the tax-payers. Him and his kind don't work. Traitorous cockroaches who would not receive the time of day anywhere else. They hide here and bite the hand that feeds them.
It's repulsive. This guy is provided with £800 per month and a free home; even his fine penalty of £50 ( that is what the lousy judge calculates as the worth of the reputations of the dead soldiers!) will be paid by the tax-payers. Him and his kind don't work. Traitorous cockroaches who would not receive the time of day anywhere else. They hide here and bite the hand that feeds them.

Agreed. I say throw them out. Deport them. They like Sharia law? Send them off to Pakistan or Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia.
All they want is planet of their own. we can't do much rather than living peacefully until peace itself run out of patience.
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Well, we cant really blame them for asking for a planet... Many human organizations do the same thing...

We do the same BS too, we want our "new world order"... And we exterminate every population resisting, through colonization, with weapons, with cultural domination, through commerce...

All we can do is give people the choice to chose... And hope for the best.

This is part of freedom by the way... We should be proud of it.

And about abusing welfare, that's welfare... People will abuse the system.

And welfare shouldnt be used as a way to pressure poor population. "Do as I say or I will take out the food from your plate."

If they are breaking the law, arrest them. This special persecution when they have political opinions we dont like is anti-democratic...
Oh, now this particular guy in question, in response his paltry £50 fine, which he won't have to pay, announces the threat that he has 2000 young men at his command who will do whatever he tells them; he asks do we want another Afghanistan; they want sharia and they are going to get it.

So much for tolerance - these are racists, unworthy of it. They defile our country. They have used up my tolerance. They are our Trojan horse.

And BTW, regarding your constant "we"; don't speak for me.
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Islamic civilization between civilizations

Dominate the global civilization of modern Boukerha and evil thoughts, culture, life and social reality until almost the human does not think otherwise, or waiting for a substitute for or looking forward to the debugger for flaws and deviations with that devotion to humanity and civilization itself requires knowledge of their advantages and disadvantages, and what can be done by another culture from a constructive role characterized by positive fundamentals of eternity, stability, and security and stability.

We, too, as a large part of this world can contribute to the direction of civilization and the point of the safest and I, or at least attempt to establish a civilization's required by our nation in the present era to be able to prove themselves and provide proof of practical viability of this culture and its worthiness to exist and fair competition.

In this talk we highlight detection for the elements of Islamic civilization distinct their characteristics profile and characteristics of the obvious that creates such a unit character full of landmarks independent of the others in the foundation of civilization and purpose and principles with mention of what there is between them and the other as much as a common Ihtmh actually paid to the need and the dictates of logic and interest may require.

The basis of the civilization of Islam is not the glorification of the mind as is the case when the Greeks, nor the glorification of power and influence, and power, as it was when the Romans, nor interest in pleasures of physical and military force and dominant as is the case when the Persians, not invoked by force spirituality as when the Indians and some Chinese, and fascination with science material and take advantage of the ammunition of the universe and materialism tyrant as method of modern civilization inherited when the Greeks and Romans, but the basis of our civilization is the intellectual scientific myself includes all the people of human life and this was the civilization of Islam fully independent of the Constitution of the specific comprehensive vary by radically different from the principles of civilization Tstra Bank and wrestled with it, as the ancient civilizations Vsratha because of the dominance of religion on the forces of intellectual and practical and the strength of the spirit of jihad and ijtihad because Islam does not prevent the flag by civilization, but puts him to approach the appropriate principles.

If the genuine progress of civilization is not our duty to various civic intended for itself not an end in itself, the very civilization to achieve the correct mental happiness and peace of mind and heart to reach what is good and wholesome and the dimension of what is evil and harmful.

But modern civilization has not achieved the desired goal, but led to anxiety, agitation, milling rights in the material tyrant fever and away from the character and virtue, and religion and the like, of human values.

The estimate of civilization in Islam Fgaitha the first to achieve tranquility and peace and security and the establishment of the ideal society and the happiness of humanity what is good and the fight against all factors of evil.

Since the human is the successor of God in the land is not valid to take one's life very, only seeking the pleasure of God the source of security, which lofty goal that go beyond just asking for sensual pleasures or goals of physical despicable and achieve harmony between human nature and purpose of mental as they prepare to respond and harmony destruction in the human ideas and fancies and Iradath and intentions and beliefs and actions and moves ... and that means that the very human civilization preparation of happiness stalled on the eschatological deeds in this life within the scope of religion and the world together. It is not Islam as a religion spiritual purely isolating his followers about life and physically pure sign people into the trap of this world, but it is considered a means and a farm for the Hereafter, nor does it mean the way that the religion of austerity is not the religion of civilization, Austerity, asceticism in Islam, the goal of high moral character interacts with life and to keep oneself from scramble to the requirements of live and suggesting the need for commitment to the principle of conviction Sharif, who does not lead to a clash of others and igniting the fire of conflict and evil.

So, Islam is in fact the source of human civilization that its light beam along the Islamic call after settling in the city and the building where the state following the completion of construction of the individual in Mecca, because Islam is the constitution of human progress Qur'aan and the Sunnah. All that is progress, and Amrana is Islam, and every failure of an anti-progress is not Islam at all. So err inadvertently Alkatbon who want to reconcile Islam and civilization as if they are heterologous or opposites, with no difference at all between Islam and civilization, civilization is a consequence of the Islamic system and Islamic philosophy and empirical.

And Islam, father of civilization and the sponsor to accept them, past and present all what works and reject all the hurt because ((Wisdom goal of the believer, wherever he found he took)) and because Alantvae and selection for the mind and discrimination is at the heart of the teachings of Islam, which recognizes the norms are valid and reject customs and traditions corrupt or opposition to the principles of the legislation and its provisions and not to the other that Islam adopted what was good from the civilizations of the country, which opened in the Levant and Egypt and the Romans and the Persians brought together Muslims to their names, all remnants of the scientific movement in Greece in the field of natural science and medical, sports, and then added to the knowledge and discoveries of new Saboha in the best template in Andalusia which was the source of modern civilization.

It is not the role of Muslims just to receive what when others allegedly biased people, but had them post a positive and constructive achieved their highest meaning of pride and sovereignty, and cutting-edge of civilization, and so the Muslims in every age a radiation source of all progress, good and were the first to His Excellency and the example of the good of the virtues and Makarem ((You are the best nation on earth people Propagation of Virtue and forbidding what is evil and believe in God)) and the leaders of science, education and guidance ((Seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim)), In another directive of the Prophet peace be upon him ((from left to seek knowledge, he is in the way of Allah until he returns)).

to be contuined....
Now, with regret where we are in a state of weakness and the word poor can not hear if it is truly just and tarnished our civilization and falsified the landmarks and the stolen content and questioning people in its no longer us but try to restore our physical, but on the basis of incorrect guidance of Islam.

There is no doubt that the principles are timeless values that awaken the heedless and Permanent to the straight path without being overshadowed by signs of weakness, underdevelopment and conditions of degradation experienced by nations in some of the roles of historical and Miadinina civilization is still the torch Alaudhae that prompts us to follow the pace and time of work and struggle and acts of will and intellect.

The most important principles of pacifism or characteristics of civilization as follows:

1 principle of Tawheed (the divinity and Lordship): The most civilized status of Islam as a religion of unification of divinity and Lordship of God that any god is right God is not a partner, and all people are equal in belonging to him and the tendency to greatness without the mode of mankind. And this God is the absolute ruler of the people who enacted legislation and laws, and the only Muslim to follow the commands of Allah and implement legislation home. In this feel human dignity and personal that it is not Istzl to one of God's creation thereby acting and think freely and moving in his work and ideas to satisfy his master to do good and avoid evil and get rid of all forms of idolatry, whether in its old, which means statues and idols, or in its modern-oriented reverence for state power and the worship of persons in situations of injustice.

2 humanize public: not the civilization of Islam is limited space or a national trend, national closed on its people or a class confined to a particular family, but it is a global humanitarian and broad-minded and address of any person in any place suitable for deployment in any spot of ground and assess the human brotherhood global (( O people, I have created you from male and female and made you into nations and tribes so that the sight of God. God knows expert)) prevail-being of everyone, according to each one of the important contribution of beneficial knowledge and good work because ((creation, all children of God, and the dearest of all people most helpful to their dependents) ) and this sense of the greatness of God given that he kicking the infidel and the believer and gives the talent of wills and then bloom in the genius of every people and every time and place.

If the tender years of the divine must be the product of civilization-year-old is not limited to people but not others because the original pioneer of civilization is the happiness of all mankind and their level of justice and truth and goodness and dignity. This is the reality of the teachings of Islam, which shies away from the whole idea of a colonial or look at regional or narrow nationalism or fanaticism or sectarianism, as the spirit of Islam worldwide do not know fanatic but for the common good and for the public good and for the recognition of the right ((it is Who sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth to proclaim it over all religion ...)) ((and may God in his own words, even if the right to hate criminals)).

Three comprehensive view of man and the life: I have found the history of civilization, both spiritual pure or purely material alone is not fit to be a way to human happiness, it is not the behavior of spiritual purely only underdevelopment and disabled will, thought and energy work and killed the human person and the loss of the benefits of the universe, as well as not the behavior of pure material only tyranny and oppression and subjugation, humiliation and brutal control of life and property and honor.

The civilization of Islam Eternal arose on the basis of a combination or balance between the physical and spiritual humanity becomes spiritual polite basis of the material being polite, and then enjoy the human will and freedom of thought, the fruit of the efforts and work in a framework of faith and morality based on justice, security and stability, compassion and love. And this element of human civilization was characterized by pre-Islam, which all civilizations, ancient and modern as it is marked along the root to all aspects of life worthy of Baliazaz and realized the happiness of humanity. God said, taking the core message of the Prophet (s): ((but as a mercy to the worlds)) and the pillars of the cultural material of thought, will and sacrifice and the work of the whale another verse, namely, ((and follow up with thee, God the Hereafter and do not forget your share of the world and better and better God you do not mischief in the land that God does not like spoilers)).

Message 4 Ethics: The fence is the religion of the Islamic civilization and morality, ethics principles are involved in all systems of life and various aspects of its activity, both in personal conduct or behavior in social or political or economic. It is impossible to establish the rules of good or ideal society without morals and values, honest, and these values, and so is the safety valve to ensure time civilization and prevent deviations and stumble to this the modern civilization in the principle of command and its exposure to bankruptcy and collapse of the crack strength when overwhelmed by such material.

5 Role of science: established Islam, his or her own high-on approach to science and knowledge and reason and research and experience and inference in appreciation of the vitality of science in building the state and society began to eliminate ignorance and illiteracy, and denounce the tradition of the blind, and then paid tribute to science and scientists in different disciplines cross each realization benefit to a person in carrying out his mission in life a reconstruction of the ground and take advantage of its resources and treasures as guides to the launch of scripture: (God raises you who believe and those who received science degrees) (say: Simply the Best) (but fear Allah among His slaves) .. The love of science and of itself is the creation of the ancient scholars without concern for financial gain or a gain or with intent to cheap literary fame and renown radio did not make science a way of pension, except in times of underdevelopment, and in times of need, the dominant now to earn a living. What is incumbent upon us to be motivated by self to learn modern science and to create a state all the appropriate environment for the application of modern scientific theories to inform the dawn of the Islamic civilization of a new and full of life boards, discussions and scientific and applied research, the Prophet (s): ((Whoever follows a path seeking knowledge ... easy God has a path to Paradise)).

6 preserve the personal self: The introduction of the causes of Western civilization does not mean the loss of personal Islamic and a waste constituents self, it has benefited the Muslims in the past civilization of others with the medicines Btabahm Profile and the preservation of Islamic values, but to insist on making the Western civilization is only one way to revive the Islamic civilization is the question for the hearts and the killing of morale and wasted efforts, and to support the claim that our sufficiency and not to keep us dependent on others without being able to confront the West as well as for its challenge and Mgalapth.

7 sit right and good: Islam is the religion of truth as we know, and through advocacy to his or her own good and based on the principle advocate for truth and justice and against falsehood and charitable work and the suppression of evil .. There is no injustice or digestion of the rights not only to produce good nor to the detriment of innovation does not help. And the realization of the right to install and requires planning and consistency, strength and dedication. And goodness, which includes all types of material and moral progress is not available without the cooperation of the individual and the group and the governor and the governed, and the evil represents all aspects of delinquency and homosexuality and underdevelopment.

8 safety valve faith: faith in the concept of Islamic civilization which is living rules and distinguish good from bad elements, and not just a doctrine of faith or religion of a personal attack, but the entire meaning of Islam.

And Islam is a complete system of morality and civil rights, sociology, economics and politics, it is that unites the nation and preserve its efforts and maintain its existence and civilizations, and the more powerful faith stronger civilization, and as weakness of faith weakened civilization and to the extent the control of the teachings of Islam on society as far as its prosperity in the domain of civilization.

If we now find otherwise all of this in our society show us the right of the cause of backwardness of the Muslims and suffered from the decline of economic and rupture of a political, and indulging in the survival of this case with much regret we see the general trend is going towards the isolation of Islam, about life, science and culture walk behind Alnoaak which Tnak that Islam does not accommodate contemporary civilization or ignorance of the fact that Islam, or participate in the Betrayal overt or disguised to keep the existing weaknesses and secure the interests of the big fish and great nations!!

to be contuined...
But we continue to believe that victory and the future will be to state the truth and Islam Orient civilization, brightness,, as found in the souls of the rest of the good of faith and affection, pride and diet, jealousy and what we live from a painful reality, following the blows and stabs and rending of hearts and throats, and chests and shaking the ground from under the feet and threatening Thrones and chairs occupy the usurper and the injustice of the slave and the fire of the exploiter.

Will not return the glory of Islam and his or her own self-confidence, however, and was buried powerlessness, despair and hopelessness, and change what is in the breasts (if God does not change the condition of a people until they change it themselves).
Oh, now this particular guy in question, in response his paltry £50 fine, which he won't have to pay, announces the threat that he has 2000 young men at his command who will do whatever he tells them; he asks do we want another Afghanistan; they want sharia and they are going to get it.

So much for tolerance - these are racists, unworthy of it. They defile our country. They have used up my tolerance. They are our Trojan horse.

And BTW, regarding your constant "we"; don't speak for me.

Why does the British military and all your security froces not do something about those threats? Eliminate that guy and his supporters. You can easily find them, I am sure.

It is pathetic, you are following the ideology of your occupiers (Islam). Egypt was a great power, an empire, before Muslim Arabs invaded it. How fast people forget.