More American evil

No if USA have signed the Geneva convention they had to try not to make this happen, and i bet is more of those things happening there they just doesent get showned
Snauhi said:
No if USA have signed the Geneva convention they had to try not to make this happen, and i bet is more of those things happening there they just doesent get showned

The US military is one of the most, if not the most, open military when it comes to showing its "bad" side. The media here, along with a high standard of accountability within our military ensures that. Often times, dirty laundry is aired when in fact, it shouldn't be as it presents a risk to national security. That's one of the great, and often times annoying things about a free state with an open media. Even the military will often make things such as this public. As for your bet, if you can't provide proof to your claim, then you're talking out of your fourth point of contact. Try and stick to the facts, assumptions do not a valid argument make.
Snauhi said:
No if USA have signed the Geneva convention they had to try not to make this happen, and i bet is more of those things happening there they just doesent get showned

Yes, more things happens than we see on the news, but it's not only US that does these kind of things.

I think this is a matter of pure statistics..

Pick 150,000 soldiers from any country, and replace them with the US soldiers in Iraq.
I can guarantee you that there will always be a small percentage that will do these kind of things, or worse, no matter what country you choose.
There are a-holes in every country...
So I wouldn't call this an American phenomenon, or "The great American Evil".

But again, this does not justify that these kind of things happens.
But I'm sure that the ones responsible will be properly punnished!

Keep the country bashing down, and discuss the facts!
all of this bull. those soldiers are going to be court martialed and punished.
I dont see how any of this is "evil", so they had to walk around naked and pose. it may be licentious and morally wrong, but its not "evil"

Hey blackjack can you give us your definitions of just plain, "EVIL?"
Snauhi said:
Doppleganger said:
man i dont think he meant evil. So take it easy.

Whether he truly believes it was evil is a different matter. But his dislike and bias against the USA is pretty evident.

Obvious bias and/or attempt to stir up feelings has no place in a forum such as this.

Man discuss the pictures and not him :roll:

The pictures were presented with his take on them, therefore that position is a valid topic of discussion. You, on the other hand, do not seem to be discussing anything, ever heard that saying "s**t or get off the pot?"
Ok Blackjack, here's the deal. Like many other people, you hold us troops to a double standard. Yes, those shitbags (excuse the language) should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. But what about those Iraqis that burned bodies of 4 American CIVILIANS that were there to protect those giving out food, and hung them up on a bridge? I'm not trying to condone the actions of these MP's, I think they should rot in Levenworth for the stupid shit they did, but do not call it "American Evil", because we ain't all like that.
Pogue said:
Ok Blackjack, here's the deal. Like many other people, you hold us troops to a double standard. Yes, those shitbags (excuse the language) should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. But what about those Iraqis that burned bodies of 4 American CIVILIANS that were there to protect those giving out food, and hung them up on a bridge? I'm not trying to condone the actions of these MP's, I think they should rot in Levenworth for the stupid shit they did, but do not call it "American Evil", because we ain't all like that.

yeah thas what i talking about Iraqis are sorry for langudge(animals) they torture in the horrible ways, and its not good that some Americans are sinking to this level, i am not against the torture but you have to torture to get some info or other things, not just for fun
He may have been a little ...into he's post but he is right that shauld have never happened very humiliating :o
Oooh, I wish I was the JAG that was assigned to prosecute that one... :rambo: That'd be a fun and easy case to prosecute.
JagSeal said:
Oooh, I wish I was the JAG that was assigned to prosecute that one... :rambo: That'd be a fun and easy case to prosecute.

What experience in the Jag Corps do you have to make that assesment?
I just read from the news, that Washington post newspaper have written new information from the Aby Ghraib, they said that they have even raped prisoners, and humiliated the sexually. I also read that NBC had said that Iraqian prisoners has also drugged and almost drouned. To me this kinds of methods are not ok. And this isnt anymore thing that can be pass by saying "shit happens".
I didnt yet find any sources that you can read too, but I try to find one :roll:
hc^patonki said:
Iraqian prisoners has also drugged and almost drouned. To me this kinds of methods are not ok.

Too bad you're not in charge of the world, huh?

We use a technique called "water-boarding" where, yes, the interrogatee believes they will drown on terrorists such as Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, one of the known planners of 9/11, ( who have time dependent intelligence. I feel no pity for these people and fully support the use of such tactics to extract information.

Making them feel your gonaa drown them is fine with me(as long as you dont acctually drownem....). Any form of sexual assult is wrong and sick.
I believe it wasn't the American soldiers who were accused of raping prisoners, but some Iraqi prison guards...
I read something about this on, but I can't find it now.
The american soldiers/guards knew about it though...
I believe there also were some cases where american guards (man and woman) had sex, and forced some prisoners to watch..

These are real disgusting actions, and has nothing to do with interogation..

The first trial are over and SPC Sivits has been found guilty:,13319,FL_trial_051904,00.html