I changed the Registration form a bit earlier, making it a bit simpler, but I made a small mistake.. (forgot one =).....
That allowed people to register without an e-mail adress, and register with the same username several times...
It was not a valid registration, but the it was placed in the memberlist anyway... :?
I didn't notice this problem until after the 250th member had registered...
And there's always the problem with members trying to sign up with a false e-mail.
As you know, when you register you get a confirmation e-mail.
But if you enter a fake/wrong e-mail I get a error e-mail back from the e-mail host/provider...
That happens almost every day.. :?
(there are also so called spambots that tries to register, and flood the forum with spam... :? )
There are some "old" members, with fake/wrong e-mails, that registered before I started the contest.
But as I said earlier, I won't delete them before we reach 300 members..
But if we reach 300 members today, I'll split the prize 50-50 with FutureRanger..
I'm sorry about the trouble with the member list, it won't happen (I hope) in future contests....