He's not getting my vote.
The man served his country and is a hero -no argument there. But that was 35 years ago, what does this have to do with me (the voter) today? NOTHING. Serving your country as a soldier doesn't make you a good president. In fact historically, the soldier-presidents have been amongst the worst.
I look at what the man stands for TODAY, and I don't like what I see. His agenda on the economy, on Iraq, on world affairs is exactly the same as the Bush Administration.
On the economy, he proposes to make the Bush tax cuts (for the wealthy) permanent and has even talked about about further tax cuts, we already have a $9 Trillion Dollar Debt, 2 full wars raging, and a deepening recession is cutting taxes on the rich (not the middle class) really what you what to do??? This is exactly the same VOODOO economics George Bush Sr. warned us about in 1980 when he faced Reagan. Trickle-down economics as yet to been proven to work ONCE. It failed in the Reagan years, failed during the Bush years, and failed miserably during the Dubya years. All it is: a shift of the tax burden from the wealthy to the poor. And this from a man who even admits that he knows little about economics (OK, I salute is honesty on that).
On Iraq its even worse. Like Bush, he seems totally disconnected from reality. He still hasn't come to grips with:
1. The war was based on lies and wa a mistake
2. The only way out is a political solution, he still think a military solution is the answer. Even the DOD disagrees with him.
3. That war cannot be won by military means alone.
4. The differences between Sunni with Shiite and Iran with Iraq, illustrating his very poor understanding of the subject in General.
And worse he seems to have adopted the Karl Rove strategy of fear-politics by occassionaly invoking the GWOT, the GWOT is in Afghanistan and Pakistan, not Iraq. That too has been often repeated.
Iraq is about oil (even Bill O'Reilly admitted that one on David Letterman). In short, aside from immigration and environment he is an exact repetition of the Bush Administration.
I personally think 8 years of Neocon politics was more than enough, don't you all? In fact I dont think the country can survive much more of it with both the military and economy heading toward collapse.
He doesn't have the personality either. His own REPUBLICAN colleagues have said:
1. Difficult to work with, doesn't like to compromise, used to getting his own way.
2. Hot-headed.
3. Doesn't like disagreement, occasionally vindictive.
Again, that reminds me of Bush. The only parts he differs from Bush is that he has a heart, he is not a total idiot, and that he's competent. He is not a bad person, He is just wrong on just about every issue. And we really cannot afford anymore Neocon blunders.
At 73, He's too old and hes in bad health (heart trouble). My father is the same age and even he admits McCain is too old. Being President is a young mans job, as he needs to stay current with the times. Do we really want another case of Alzermers suffering Ronald Reagan in office, or worse not to survive his term in office (many Presidents have died on office, heart attacks are common, and McCain has already had severe heart issues). This job sucks about a decade off your life expectancy its simply not older people in bad physical condition.
McCain's place should be as Secretary of Defense. His speciality for the past 25 years has been the military. He has the experience, he'd be perfect, especially after the mess Rumsfeld and Cheney made.
My 2 cents.